Barb Wire vs Tour Bite


I have been playing Tour bite for a few months now and even after 4 hours of play, it's still producing crazy spin and feel. I had a look at solinco's Barbwire and it got me thinking. Which creates more spin? Because the twisted profile looks like it would grab on the ball much better. But then in TW's research, less friction between strings causes more spin. Surely the profile of barbwire would hinder the movement of the string? Please feel free to post any reviews on either string or comparisons.



Noisy Ninja

Barb Wire seems to offer more spin potential than Tour Bite from my experience. In a full setup, Barb Wire's twisted nature/profile does hinder the main strings from sliding across the cross strings a bit...the extra bite of the main strings more than makes up for it.
I don't recommend using Barb Wire as a full setup if you want to maximize spin potential. In a full setup...the twisted profile tends to wear away from the constant movement of mains against crosses. I've found the best spin potential when using Barb Wire in the mains and a smoother profile polyester in the crosses. Hope that helps.

Noisy Ninja

To be honest...I haven't tried using a Barb Wire/Tour Bite hybrid to be honest.
I did try a Barb Wire/Super Smash Spikey (ridged profile similar to Tour Bite) and found the spin potential a bit mediocre. I suspect you'll find using any ridge-type profiled string in the cross will eventually wear down the biting edges of the Barb Wire mains and negate the string setup spin potential.
Lately...I've been using Solinco Barb Wire (mains) and Pro Supex Poly Power Soft (crosses). Both strings do experience some initial tension loss but if you increase your target tension to compensate...the setup plays surprisingly well; great combination of spin potential, power, and playability in my view.
I think those who typically favor thin gauged poly strings (Proline II or Micro Ace) would do well to give a Barb Wire hybrid a try. You get similar (if not better) spin potential without sacrificing durability. I've been pleasantly surprised with the Barb Wire/Poly Power Soft hybrid as it's surprisingly not harsh at all given the thicker gauge (1.25) compared to what I typically use (1.15).


Hall of Fame
Im in the middle of playtesting TB, BW and revolution.

What ive found so far is that TB grips the ball the best and has the best top spin and control.
Barb wire although stiff as hell and its coil memory is the worse ive seen, plays much softer, like rpm soft and has great spin especially sideways and thro the air. But I found issues with control, sometimes not knowing quite where it was going. Needs more testing as I tried it at 62lbs with good feedback and at 56lbs with no control whatsoever!! Although I found it great for serving especially getting movement in the air then when it hits the ground.

I also picked up Revolution, feels like TB when stringing in shape and stiffness. Although all these strings I think are powerful I found revolution to have real good pop, I was finding a lot of jump on serve and the touch and feel the best of any poly Ive used, to the point where i was finding it so comfortable to dropshot from the baseline. I strung it at 60lbs and it has lasted the best out of the three (over 5hrs now).
It doesnt quite have the grip of TB and i sometimes found my fh going a touch long so i'll prob up tension a couple of pounds next time. The grip however is real good and the control excellent with the added feel it proved to be the best of the three all round.

Ive just bought a reel of revolution and Ive already got a few sets of BW and TB.......its a difficult one i still love TB from the baseline just topspinny shots into the corners.....hmmmmn :confused:

Steve Huff

They promote their Tour Bite as a better string. In reality, who knows. One could be better for you, the other better for me. It's which ever you like better.


I have been playing Tour bite for a few months now and even after 4 hours of play, it's still producing crazy spin and feel. I had a look at solinco's Barbwire and it got me thinking. Which creates more spin? Because the twisted profile looks like it would grab on the ball much better. But then in TW's research, less friction between strings causes more spin. Surely the profile of barbwire would hinder the movement of the string? Please feel free to post any reviews on either string or comparisons.



I'm sure if you've been reading previous threads, TW's research is not an ultimate guide as to what produces spin. Thats just one factor.


Hall of Fame
Did not like Tour Bite. Cut it out after 2 hours. No power, stiffer, and the ball just seemed to float. Barb Wire, even with worse tension maintenance, is a better string for me.


Im in the middle of playtesting TB, BW and revolution.

What ive found so far is that TB grips the ball the best and has the best top spin and control.
Barb wire although stiff as hell and its coil memory is the worse ive seen, plays much softer, like rpm soft and has great spin especially sideways and thro the air. But I found issues with control, sometimes not knowing quite where it was going. Needs more testing as I tried it at 62lbs with good feedback and at 56lbs with no control whatsoever!! Although I found it great for serving especially getting movement in the air then when it hits the ground.

I also picked up Revolution, feels like TB when stringing in shape and stiffness. Although all these strings I think are powerful I found revolution to have real good pop, I was finding a lot of jump on serve and the touch and feel the best of any poly Ive used, to the point where i was finding it so comfortable to dropshot from the baseline. I strung it at 60lbs and it has lasted the best out of the three (over 5hrs now).
It doesnt quite have the grip of TB and i sometimes found my fh going a touch long so i'll prob up tension a couple of pounds next time. The grip however is real good and the control excellent with the added feel it proved to be the best of the three all round.

Ive just bought a reel of revolution and Ive already got a few sets of BW and TB.......its a difficult one i still love TB from the baseline just topspinny shots into the corners.....hmmmmn :confused:

I found BW to be fairly soft compared to other polys and to have the best spin of all the strings I've ever tried.


Just tried Barb Wire at 40 lbs and after three hitting / doubles sessions, I agree with some of the comments here. I can feel the "bite" on the ball and actually had to pull out bunches (not just strands) of string mid rally. However, compared to other strings, spin potential isn't much.

If I tried to put too much spin, it hits the net. If I try to hit deep heavy spinners, the ball becomes loopy without much pace.

Plus it stiff as hell and hurts my arm.

Noisy Ninja

^ If you strung BW @ 40 LBs and found it stiff as hell..something's definitely amiss.
I use BW as a full setup in KPS88 @ 53 LBS and it's one of the softer polyester strings on the market. I can't imagine your arm pain can be attributed to BW...especially when strung at 40LBS...


^ If you strung BW @ 40 LBs and found it stiff as hell..something's definitely amiss.
I use BW as a full setup in KPS88 @ 53 LBS and it's one of the softer polyester strings on the market. I can't imagine your arm pain can be attributed to BW...especially when strung at 40LBS...
Not really my whole arm but imagine you lay down your right arm with palms face up. Now point your finger about 40% of the way from the wrist to elbow on the left side, that's where it hurts.

Keep in mind my regualr string is TCS at 50lbs, one of the softest co poly's out there. And the Yonex RQiSXL 95 does flex a lot in the throat.

But that's not really my concern, I could pay through the pain, but the lack of useable spin? No way


I have been playing Tour bite for a few months now and even after 4 hours of play, it's still producing crazy spin and feel. I had a look at solinco's Barbwire and it got me thinking. Which creates more spin? Because the twisted profile looks like it would grab on the ball much better. But then in TW's research, less friction between strings causes more spin. Surely the profile of barbwire would hinder the movement of the string? Please feel free to post any reviews on either string or comparisons.



Please don't base your whole opinion on their research. It's great stuff but it's not the final word on a specific set up would play.


From my experience, I think the tour bite and barb wire are very similar in terms of spin potential...both generating tremendous amount of spin


So which is a better string overall?
Revolution or Tour Bite?

there is no such thing as a better string as everyone here will tell is always dependent upon the player.

the tour bite is def a much more popular string tho (which doesn't necessarily mean better)


I just hit with 18 gauge tour bite in my pure drive strung at 59lbs. It had lots of spin, which I expected, but the feel was what sold me. I was able to hit much more accurate slices and drop shots with it. It definitely has better feel than Signum Tornado (which I like) and SPP which I played with in the hex version for the last year. Durability is the only remaining question. Overall, I was very impressed and I'm switching to it. It's cheaper too!


Ive got a set of each BW, TB and Rev I am looking to string my APD for tomorrow but not sure which one to use 1 piece 2 piece etc what would you recommened?
Im a baseline player and have a 2 handed backhand and like to hit with topspin saying this and reading the comments seems as though TB? but shall i string it one piece or with another string as hybrid?
