barricade 13 women arch low?


New User
Hi there! @TW Staff

I got two questions about the new barricade:
1) I see the new barricade 13 women is listed as "arch: low", while the previous models are listed as "arch: medium" (like the men's have always been). I wonder if there will be noticeable differences, and also how this feature is measured?
2) when is the women's clay version going to be out this year?


TW Staff

Hi Miya,

1) We measure the arch by having several of our playtesters try on the shoes (3+) and walk around in them. The same playtesters have all been trying on shoes for 10+ years to get the fit check. We found the Barricade 13 just slightly lower feeling than the previous versions. Not too much of a noticeable difference.

2) We are expecting a women's clay version to launch on April 1st.

Brittany, TW