Benefits for being a captain?

robby c

Hey Cindy,
I'm just not fit enough to play with the old team. Plus, kids and work get in the way(dang those priorities). I played duece court because crosscourt forehand was my best shot. On duece side I was 2nd or 3rd best on team. On the ad side it was 9 or 10 out of 11 players. I have my 1st practice Thurs, so we'll see how fast my strokes come back. Lets get ready to rumble...
Robby C

robby c

Update on comeback season:
7-1 in Dbls.
1-1 in Singles.
Played 3 sets of singles the first practice. Hurt my elbow, and my back. Sat out the first match.
2nd week practice I hurt my knee(on clay?). Sat out 2nd match.
Switched to Dbls week 3 and bought knee wraps. Felt much better. Played and won in Dbls in 3 sets. Stayed Dbls since, except one week where scheduled singles player backed out on Sat. I beat a 20 yr old kid on Sun. He had never played a S/V player before. It was the deciding match. Too cool.
The only scheduling changes have been to play last minute. Hey, why not. This season is about getting in better shape.
I've lost 14 lbs, and broke 240 for 1st time in 11 years. I'm moving better, and my wind has improved.
We have 0 matches left. We finished in 2nd place. 1st place has been locked up by the other team at my club. I hope to lose 10 more by next Spring. 230 would put me back at 1997 weight.
I have signed up for Mixed with same Captain that plays in Summer. Lord help me. Don't know if I'm ready for the extra running.
One troubling issue is my lost cross-court forehand. Used to be my best shot.
Good luck all.
Robby C
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There are two ways I know of to ease the burden on the captain. One is, which most TW captains seem to use. Every player can log on and indicate their own availability and see schedules/line-ups. It sends automated match reminders; players confirm on the site.

I have decided not to use Tennisone for teams I captain (although my mixed captain uses it). I don't like that it sends reminders to everyone on the team, even if they aren't playing. I don't like how you have to do so much clicking around to see what is going on. And as a captain trying to do a line-up, I wouldn't like how players can list their availability as "?", which is utterly unhelpful.

I use a Google on-line spreadsheet instead. It is the team central repository of information. I have sheets for the line-up, the contact list, helpful links, partner groups, practice availability, and match locations. I like doing it this way because it is one-stop shopping. Once you bookmark it, you just click on the bookmark and the entire schedule/line-up pops up, with everyone's availability. No clicking around.

Google spreadsheets allows lots of flexibility. For a tricky match location, I can add "If you get to the fire station, you've gone too far." After each player's name in the line-up, I put a number that indicates how many matches they've played so far so I can keep things even. If someone cancels, I can indicate that they've canceled and so-and-so is subbing in. If we get a warm-up court or are on clay, I can indicate this also. Once a match is played, I can gray it out so players can focus on the matches remaining.

Each player has a log-on and can edit the spreadsheet. The way I handle it is that their sole responsibility is to list themselves as unavailable for matches they cannot play.

Also, my approach to doing line-ups is that I can put you in the line-up if you haven't listed yourself as unavailable. If I schedule you and you later can't play, then that match still counts against your allotment of six matches. Silence = "I'm available!", so players are very diligent about making sure their unavailability is reflected on the spreadsheet so they don't have to cancel and lose out on their full allotment of matches. I don't have to deal with lots of "?".

The disadvantages of my system are: (1) I have to send my own match reminders via e-mail and players confirm directly back to me; (2) there are some people with no experience with Excel who *freak out* at the idea of a spreadsheet; and (3) a player can accidentally delete information others have entered. I keep back-up copies of the spreadsheet, and so far I haven't had any insurmountable problems.

There you go!

Another disadvantage of tennisone was that it became very insecure and the developers didn't respond until many teams' data were tampered with (several teams had players going to a wrong location).

I personally use in addition to the google spreadsheet. Sorry to sound jaded, but I have found that evite allows me to show players that they were not available for most of the season for "competitive" teams. The calendar feature of Evite is very useful if people are on multiple teams.


I guess another thing I will be worried about when the time comes is the dedication to the team. People might decide they dont "feel like" showing up for matches and then having to scramble around for replacements if there is enough time. ahhhh i can't wait :)

That's my personal biggest hate object when assembling a league team. People that say when asked. Like:

"Sure! I can be on the team. However... I don't know right now when I'm free to play matches so use the others ones first and I can be a reserve. Also - only home matches, can't really take the time for away matches"

This in reality translates to:

"No, I can't play any matches at all unless there is a blue moon and it's a Sunday when my family happens to be away and I haven't found anything else I'd rather do, like watching paint dry."

These days I don't even bother to count those as part of my team. I use those as a _very_ last resort when everything else fails.


New User
I have found that the best team members are the ones who have once captained a team. They know just how awkward it can be when one person asks only to partner with one teammate, and that same teammate asks NEVER to be partnered with them again.

Deleted member 23235

Well, nothing in life is easy, it seems.

OrangePower, I set up a template and made it viewable by anyone. Here's the link:

Trouble is, you won't have the ability to copy it or use other tools, and it doesn't display the same way as the original version.

If you give me an e-mail, I can invite you as a collaborator to the template and then you can copy the whole thing and do what you want with it.

awesome... i'm going to use this system for this season of captaining. thanks.


oh yea and just to update since I started this thread, it has been great being the captain for my team. I've got a great group of guys. Didn't really have any problems (except for the "please dont pair me up with HIM again") from one of the guys.

Playing in mixed doubles this summer but there is already a captain for the team so it's gonna be weird not being the captain.


Another disadvantage of tennisone was that it became very insecure and the developers didn't respond until many teams' data were tampered with (several teams had players going to a wrong location).

I personally use in addition to the google spreadsheet. Sorry to sound jaded, but I have found that evite allows me to show players that they were not available for most of the season for "competitive" teams. The calendar feature of Evite is very useful if people are on multiple teams.

RK, what do you do with How do you use that with the Google spreadsheet?

I might have to look into this. I just had a near-disaster, and the calendar feature might help.

As I've said before, my players are supposed to go to the Google spreadsheet and list themselves as unavailable for matches they cannot play. Then I do the line-up, designating two alternates. I do this several weeks in advance. When I issue a new chunk of the line-up, I tell my alternates that they *must* hold the date, just as though they are playing the match. (I have had too many times where someone got hurt a week before the match, I call the designated alternate, only to hear "Oh, hey. I made plans, so I can't play." Which rather defeats the purpose of designating alternates at all.)

Anyway, I needed an alternate for our next match, and when I contacted the designated alternate, she said she couldn't play because she had been put in the line-up on another team. I got the impression she kind of forgot to tell her other captain she was unavailable. Much scrambling and negotiating between the player and captains occurred, and the upshot is she won't play for me. Instead, I have to go with the other alternate who is not as strong (leaving me with no one should I need another alternate).

Maybe if there were some calendar feature, players on multiple teams could keep track of which matches for which they have already committed?

I don't get why this is so difficult. Personally, I put all of my matches for all of my teams in Outlook when the season schedule is issued, and when I get put into the line-up I change the Outlook entry to be "I'M PLAYING!!!!!!!" so I can tell at a glance whether I'm in the line-up or an alternate or whatever. I then list myself as unavailable for any other conflicting matches.

Captains, what do you expect from your alternates and how do you handle the issue of alternates? I now wonder if I need a new way of handling this, because I cannot seem to impress on the alternates that "Please hold the date" means "REALLY, YA GOTTA HOLD THE DATE!!!"


Talk Tennis Guru
I really don't understand fun vs. winning. This is sports. You play to win. Winning is a lot more fun than losing. I don't see fun & winning as mutually exclusive. I think its fun to play hard and give your best.

4. Blatantly "sacrificing" players on Court One.
I truly think you can look at number 4 as giving a weak player real experience. They might learn more from getting blasted on court 1 than winning on court 3. They may even surprise you.

If you are a weak player purposely playing in a higher league than you should expect to get blasted fairly regularly.
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Talk Tennis Guru
Your link is amazing. THANKS!
Well, nothing in life is easy, it seems.

OrangePower, I set up a template and made it viewable by anyone. Here's the link:

Trouble is, you won't have the ability to copy it or use other tools, and it doesn't display the same way as the original version.

If you give me an e-mail, I can invite you as a collaborator to the template and then you can copy the whole thing and do what you want with it.