Besides the PS 85, what other discontinued sticks?


Would you guys/gals like to see sold? Not to forget the Prince Graphite as well...

A classic from the Head Prestige line?

I guess the LM Radical qualifies as a discontinued stick still being made available. I'm assuming they're still in production due to their continued availability.

I'm not sure if anyone remembers, but Spalding had an "ATP" line of rackets either from the late 90's or early 2000's that had a couple of models that were pretty sweet. I'd like to see something like that, but those are probably far too obscure.

I think there's a small bit of profit to be made from this for different companies, but not enough to warrant most of them actually doing it. We can dream though.


Hall of Fame
Rossignol inverted bridge should make a come back. Loved almost every Rossignol racquet that had the inverted bridged...especially the F200!!!



PC600 would be my vote without a doubt, that frame is GROAT.


I've never understood why Head wouldn't re-release this model. I've never even seen one in person but almost everyone I've talked to that's atleast half serious about tennis admires this frame. I think it would sell well.


I've never understood why Head wouldn't re-release this model. I've never even seen one in person but almost everyone I've talked to that's atleast half serious about tennis admires this frame. I think it would sell well.

I know exactly what you mean. I've played the frame before, and I loved it. It's a fantastic frame!

A joke a few of my friends say is that if Head re-released it, it would show how horrible all the new technologies are in comparison to it! ;)



I know exactly what you mean. I've played the frame before, and I loved it. It's a fantastic frame!

A joke a few of my friends say is that if Head re-released it, it would show how horrible all the new technologies are in comparison to it! ;)


Well, I actually agree with that. I think there have been very few real breakthroughs in technology in the racquet industry over the last decade or two.

I think the "future" is different grommet designs and mold techniques, but as far as materials, I think we've hit near the peak.

I think there will definitely be some great new substance to make racquets from one day, but I don't think we're close right now.


Well, I actually agree with that. I think there have been very few real breakthroughs in technology in the racquet industry over the last decade or two.

I think the "future" is different grommet designs and mold techniques, but as far as materials, I think we've hit near the peak.

I think there will definitely be some great new substance to make racquets from one day, but I don't think we're close right now.

I agree with you ten fold!

Someday technologies will blow everything we use now out of the water, and they will make poly with kevlar like durability but with the comfort of gut, and tennis will be like playing with a cloud no matter what you use, but for now we have to tough it out! ;)



Prestige classic or tour, I specially love the gray prestige with neon green CAP grommmets, pure eye candy


My two

Head Prestige Classic
Dunlop Max200G

Maybe both with a Midplus version

And some wood new ones (Head Vilas, Prince Woodie, Snauwaert mid or similar ones).
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- Head TXE. Perfect as is.
- Rossi F200G. Same mold. A tad lighter & a few points stiffer should be good for today's game.
- PK Copper Ace. Same mold. A tad lighter & a few points stiffer should be good for today's game.