Best 3 of 5 sets for women?


Why don't women play the best 3 out of 5 set matches? Do woman golfers on the pro tour hit from "ladies" tees or the same championship tees the men do?

Just wondering...


heartman said:
Why don't women play the best 3 out of 5 set matches? Do woman golfers on the pro tour hit from "ladies" tees or the same championship tees the men do?

Just wondering...
They don't hit from the same tees, but they're not as short as the "ladies" tees you see at your local course. Some women't tourneys are 3 rounds, I believe.
In any case, it's a diff't sport, and LPGA golfers don't come anywhere close to PGA in terms of pay, either from competition or endorsements.
heartman said:
Why don't women play the best 3 out of 5 set matches? Do woman golfers on the pro tour hit from "ladies" tees or the same championship tees the men do?

Just wondering...

Do you want to watch Sharapova-Petrova for more than 3 hours ...?

Andy Hewitt

Creepy red names.... anyway. The final being a best of 3 just seems like a waste to me. I can't help but just not take it seriously... It's like you play all this tennis to lose just 2 sets?
Andy Hewitt said:
Creepy red names.... anyway. The final being a best of 3 just seems like a waste to me. I can't help but just not take it seriously... It's like you play all this tennis to lose just 2 sets?

Creepy red indian avatars ... anyway.
Do you want to watch Pierce and Davenport types humiliated in best-of-5 finals? Or just imagine - Serena making the finals by luck again: Do you want her to die on-court because of exhaustion (Having to carry all that fat)?


New User
The real question is...

If women want equal pay, do you think they should play to the same format as men (3 out of 5 sets)?

Im not answering this because I dont want to get flamed:mrgreen:
proxemo666 said:
The real question is...

If women want equal pay, do you think they should play to the same format as men (3 out of 5 sets)?

Im not answering this because I dont want to get flamed:mrgreen:

I can barely sit through women's tennis now! I don't want to see that **** for 5 sets! F that!


proxemo666 said:
The real question is...

If women want equal pay, do you think they should play to the same format as men (3 out of 5 sets)?

Im not answering this because I dont want to get flamed:mrgreen:

I do not mind getting flamed.

Women, without playing the equal number of sets, should not be justified in asking for equal pay, because it gives women an unfair advantage over men to make a whole lot more money. Let me explain.

Top male players usually opt not to play the doubles, because the best-of-5-set format drains them of energy and they do not want to risk their chances of advancing in the singles. This in turn forces some other male players to become doubles specialists, because they can't compete against the top players who devote themselves only to the singles and they have a better chance at winning the doubles title. Therefore, men usually have one source of income, with the exception of some doubles specialists who play both men's doubles and mixed doubles.

On the other hand, the top women usually have plenty of energy left to pursue both singles and doubles titles, and this is precisely because the best-of-3-set format allows them to do this. In fact, some women compete in singles, doubles, and mixed-doubles. Therefore, female players have at least twice the source of revenue than the male players.

I am all for equal pay across gender line, but some female players' staunch refusal to really level the playing field does not sound like "justice" to me. Either keep the best of 3 and tone down rhetoric on social injustice, or pursue equal pay and be willing to put in the extra work.


Hall of Fame
Equal pay = play; if men play best of 5, so should the women OR make everyone play best of 3; I like watching women's tennis and think it would be much more interesting if the matches were best of 5 in grand slams.


Hall of Fame
scotus said:
I do not mind getting flamed.

Women, without playing the equal number of sets.....

Good points. Only flaw I see in your argument is that the pay a double player recieves, even for a championship, is way, way less than a single champion receives.

Didn't the USO singles champ receive a mill while the doub champ received something like 200k or 300k, and that had to be split two ways?


since women dont play best of 5 in grand slam matches, i dont really see why the grand slam matches will mean a whole lot more than the masters series. its just one more round, and well more money and thats about it.


simi said:
Good points. Only flaw I see in your argument is that the pay a double player recieves, even for a championship, is way, way less than a single champion receives.

Didn't the USO singles champ receive a mill while the doub champ received something like 200k or 300k, and that had to be split two ways?

You are right that I didn't make the difference in pay very clear. When I said that women have "twice the source of revenue," I should have said "1 or 2 more sources of revenue."

Nonetheless, the doubles prize money is no small amount. Having said that, isn't it strange that we don't hear demands for equal pay from doubles players (i.e., that doubles prize money should equal the singles prize money)?


Hall of Fame

Both tours change to best of 3 up to the round of 16 for every slam. Then make the quarterfinals to the finals best of 5.

Players will be more rested for the final rounds. TV/tournament organizers will have an easier time scheduling matches in the show courts in the earlier rounds. We save the big, long matches for the players playing the best anyway.

I *hate* 2-set women's finals for slam trophies. Seems extra cheap.


i suppose what pay the players get for the slam events is secondary. but if you are talking about what's good for the game, i don't think it's best of five for women's events. they tried it a few years back at the year-end championships and i don't think it was very successful. nor was the level of tennis or the drama any better. i just don't think it's very practical.


skip1969 said:
i suppose what pay the players get for the slam events is secondary. but if you are talking about what's good for the game, i don't think it's best of five for women's events. they tried it a few years back at the year-end championships and i don't think it was very successful. nor was the level of tennis or the drama any better. i just don't think it's very practical.

You're off the subject. We are talking about equal pay, and why it is just or unjust for women who play the best of 3 to earn the same amount of money that men earn by playing the best of 5.
I have a feeling that with best 3 of 5 for womens, we'll start seeing even more injuries. I do orthopedic research for my school as an independent study and I can tell you that as fit as female athletes are, they just can't take the same amount of physical stress as men. This isn't meant as any sort of disrespect, it's just a fact of physiology.


The question of women playing 5 sets has been asked before and I definitely don't want to see 5 sets of wonen's tennis. Women should definitely get paid less because they're not working as hard. Men should be allowed to play 3 set max sets too or get paid more. Nobody likes to get paid the same money for more work, that's just ridiculous.


WTA, women's college basketball and WNBA all use different balls than the men. The WTA tour ball is designed so that it can be bashed from the baseline, driven deep and with pace. The basketball in women's sports is smaller than the men's. This has the effect of making the hoop larger.

Anyway, I could give a rat's azz about the equal pay issue. But you do bring a valid point to the discussion; that being, women playing best of 5. It'll change the sport dramatically. I'd imagine the sport would move away from the 5'9" and over crowd to the road runners like Henin, Vicario, Coetzer, Schiavone and Smashnova. This stuff about women dropping like flies does not play into the discussion, because there will always be a winner and a loser to each match. Moreover, networks might be more willing to televise men's matches than they have been in the past because those 55 minutes beatdowns fit so nicely into their timeslots.


New User
It'd sure be interesting to see equal matches between the sexes in terms of the amount of sets played, but I don't see it happening.


New User
I would enjoy to see women play 5 sets. I respect WTA tennis, and it is what attracted me to tennis in the first place. I think the idea that women aren't as physically capable as men is highly overrated. Those women who can't keep up with the changes will fall to the side and the better players will succeed. As far as the WNBA ball being smaller, I thought it was because women's hands were smaller than mens, not because they need extra help to make basquets.


scotus said:
You're off the subject. We are talking about equal pay, and why it is just or unjust for women who play the best of 3 to earn the same amount of money that men earn by playing the best of 5.

um . . . er . . . actually, i was replying to the thread started by heartman.


fantenam08 said:
As far as the WNBA ball being smaller, I thought it was because women's hands were smaller than mens, not because they need extra help to make basquets.
Smaller (lighter ball), ergo, larger hoop.


Hall of Fame
devilish_duke said:
I do orthopedic research for my school as an independent study and I can tell you that as fit as female athletes are, they just can't take the same amount of physical stress as men.

Then how come in all other sports I can think of women are able to handle playing the same format as men? Why is tennis so special?


Hall of Fame
Question being is the 3 Sets for Women is equal as the 5 Sets for Men? In terms of physicality and the physical capacities of both. I'm not sure, a lot of people say women aren't as physical as men in terms of power and such in Tennis. So 3 sets would seem like a 5 set for Men or vice versa? Not sure heh. This is not my opinion.

I personally would like to see best 3 of 5 sets for women. It would give more chances to some players that have the possibility to advance further.


StraightSets said:
Both mens and womens matches should be best of 3 sets with no tie-breakers (needing to win a set by an advantage of 2).

That would be amazing.:D