Thanks heaps guys,
I am thinking about the Nblade, it seems nice and light so it is a good platform for leading up. Also i have been eyeing of the pure control for a long time but whenever i come to demoing racquet i always seem to over look it. The other thing i dont like about my POG is that it is too head light for a baseline game if you know what i mean, it swings through too quickly (for my liking anyway). I am currently waiting on my 33m roll of lead tape to come and then i may try and weight it up to make it more solid and head heavy, but the the racquet will be heavier and then my arm will get fatigued quicker. I am not too keen on the POG OS, i have never been a fan of OS racquets plus i dont know how mum would go buying me a racquet that looks the same with a bigger head, she struggles to see differences in racquets other than the colour. SO on my next demo list is Nblade and Pure Control. Thanks
Please keep up the suggestions