New User
In your opinion which company manufactures the best polyester strings and why. Don't forget to mention any specific favorite strings you like in particular!
Right now, I'll go with the Genesis Line. Love the Black Magic. The Spinx as well as the Typhoon are also awesome. For the price, I'll take that over any other poly.
Ughhh hate these kinds of polls... You should really read around the forum first before making such lists... half of the brands on here I wouldn't even touch, and wonderful brands are completely left out.
"Other", as my top 3 would be Pro Supex, Weisscannon, & MSV. Have yet to try Genesis but it gets some awesome reviews.
"Other", as my top 3 would be Pro Supex, Weisscannon, & MSV. Have yet to try Genesis but it gets some awesome reviews.
Yeah, especially since the company is out of Florida and Eastern Europe and the tennis players who are vested in this company post on this forum, plenty of shills to over hype the strings here.