I have a good flat serve. My slice is OK, but I'll look at the video NYtennis provided for tips on that.
But I have no kick serve to speak of. I can do the "rainbow" serve Brent Abel teaches. But when I try to add any pace, I lose the "rainbow" (should I just eat more skittles?).
Any tips on a good kick serve?
Yea, lemme think this through.
I assume you are using a conti grip and grasp the basic concept of putting spin on the ball.
First of all, realize that you are going to contact the ball with the racquet still going UP, that means at contact the buttcap is going to be pointing the same direction as your nipples and the tip of the racquet will be pointing behind your back. The racquet won't be exactly parallel to the ground, but pretty close to it with the tip slightly above the buttcap. The strings will be facing the net.
This means you have to stay sideways as long as possible. Because you are used to hitting a flat and slice I assume this will be the hardest part for you, and you will probably need video or coaching.
Now for basic topspin toss the ball straight in front of you just inside the baseline and pretend you are throwing your racquet at the side fence. It's a weird sensation, you kind of pronate first and swing second, it will feel like you are swinging the racquet directly over your head. Imagine taking the leading edge of your racquet and drawing a sad face across the back of the ball.
For a true kick it feels like you pronate the racquet even more so in the drop position the tip crosses your spine and almost comes across the baseline and you throw the racquet up the inside of the ball towards the back curtain.
Go on an empty court and fool with it and don't focus on where the ball goes. Start slowly looping them high over the net.
Let me know if it helps. I can make a video if you want.