Today's Goodwill pull was the sequel to the Silver Ace, the 90 version, containing some ceramic fibers and of course a spiffy white paint job that's hard to photograph as per usual. The blue accents look very nice I do say. The paragraph on the side is more superlative filled than most PK frames of the era, they seem especially proud of this stick, calling it the most versatile racket they ever made. Does anyone know what they're talking about with the APW system? What on earth is supposed to be adjustable here? I'll have to take it out and compare with the original, which I can say by comparing them, does not use the same mould. The Silver Ace 90 is a slightly thicker beam, more rounded head, and lacks the flat hoop bottom of the original. I don't know what year the Silver Ace 90 came out but I suppose its likely 86-88. This mould also differs from my other PK mid 80s sticks in tha the throat bridge thins out somewhat.
In other news I hit for 30 mins each with the Head TXD and Composite director, if you need a refresher the TXD was pretty haggard and the Comp Director is in great shape. I was shocked to find I preferred the TXD, despite its obliterated grommets and beat up nature, it just felt more solid and controllable. The Comp Director wasn't bad per say, just not as good feeling to me. Maybe that price difference was justified lol.
Anyways, onto the PK pics.