I splurged a bit at PIAS tonight, because for me, I don't find Donnay's everyday. In fact, for some reason, this is the very first Donnay of any kind that I've encountered in my travels in my city. St. Louis is a total Donnay Desert. So I spent $25 to get this 9/10 condition WST Pro Exclusive, which according to the only other post on this website about this frame, is from around 1989-90, this racket had at least one devoted fan on this site. The frame itself is almost completely void of information about it. No tension range, balance, unstrung specs, country of origin, nothing... I have no idea if this was entry level or higher end. I'm assuming mid-range as it doesn't say made in Belgium, as I'm sure they'd mention that if it was.
Love the colors, and per usual for neon colored anything, it gets blown out and is difficult to photograph in my studio, the blue isn't as dark as it appears in these photos, though the green is certainly that bright, almost glowing. I might end up quickly ditching the original blue leather grips, honestly they feel a bit cheap and very slippery, despite minimal wear. What's with the bulging buttcap? Was that supposed to do something besides eventually get cracked like so many I see on the bay?
wasn't sure which backdrop would help, so here's both.