Best location to apply lead for racquets matching?


I've got 2 racquets of the same model. Measured on a RDC they have the same balance point and the same stiffness, but one is 4g heavier in weight and also 3 points higher in swingweight. If I was to match the lighter one to the weight of the heavier one while keeping the same balance point, what's the best location on the racquet to apply lead tapes?

Racquet 1: 334g, 331SW

Racquet 2: 330g, 328SW

Thanks for any inputs


I haven't used it, but I might try entering that info into:

And it would calculate the locations you need to add lead tape.

Sorry I haven't been clear about what I'm trying to ask, yes I am aware of the TW calculator and that's exactly what I will be using. But what I wanted to find out is, what is the best location to add lead without affecting the weight distribution or feel of the racquet?

For example, there many ways I can add 4 grams. 4 grams all inside the throat, which will make it heavier, more swingweight and a little bit more headlight (but insignificant). Or 2 grams on the butt cap and 2 grams on 12 O'clock, this way there maybe no change in balance point which is good but will this make the racquet "feel" different to the one I try to match, since the weight distrubtion will be different? Or will I not be able to feel it?

Another way is to add 2 grams on 3 and 9 O'clock and 2 grams on top of the handle (exact distance will obviously be acquired from TW caculator).


Hall of Fame
If you have a balanceboard just cut up 2 strips of lead, each of 2 grams, and experiment till you have the correct balance.


just cut 4 strips 1gr each the lead tape and add it right in the balance point

Yeah, that's what I was thinking. Doing this won't change the balance, but it will make the weights the same, and the SW will probably fall right into place.

TW Professor

You tell the TWU Customization Tool ( you want. It tells you the exact or closest solution to your desires. By telling it what you want, you don't have to do any trial and error. If your desired solution isn't possible, it will give you the closest alternative. If that doesn't work, then you can do trial and error. The best way to do that is with the Customization Worksheet (

The Customization Tool gives the solution for adding some weight as close as possible to 2 and 10 O'clock. Whatever solution it finds is that solution. Obviously, sometimes, the answer will not involve adding weight anywhere near there, but it tries.


Off topic... sorry

TW Professor,
TW's KPS88 review mentioned the test results you got for that racquet and I'm wondering if they are gathered in any one web page or TT thread. I know you've posted some (all?) of them in different KPS88 threads. Might be nice to be able to see them in one place.



I've got 2 racquets of the same model. Measured on a RDC they have the same balance point and the same stiffness, but one is 4g heavier in weight and also 3 points higher in swingweight. If I was to match the lighter one to the weight of the heavier one while keeping the same balance point, what's the best location on the racquet to apply lead tapes?

Racquet 1: 334g, 331SW

Racquet 2: 330g, 328SW

Thanks for any inputs

the balance is the same and the swingweight is within 3 pts..that's fine.i wouldnt do a thing to these as they should swing and play the same..can you notice a difference?. getting the weight the same could make them play more differently than they did before you modified.


the balance is the same and the swingweight is within 3 pts..that's fine.i wouldnt do a thing to these as they should swing and play the same..can you notice a difference?. getting the weight the same could make them play more differently than they did before you modified.

That's what I'm worried about. I do noticed the weight difference though, that's why I had them RDC-ed in the first place.

Where do pros add lead to match their racquets? I know I'm not a pro but would be nice to know. :D


according to TW, 6 o'clock is the best place to increase weight and swingweight without changing the balance.

but where is the best place to apply lead without changing the "feel"? For example, adding lead on 12 and counterbalance it on butt cap will "polarize" the racquet. What about all leads in the middle (or on balance point)? How does this change the feel? Or does it not? I'd think it does change the feel since weight distribution will be more towards the middle, compared to the racquet I'm trying to match.

I know 4 grams maybe insignificant when it comes to feel but anyone know the answer for sure?


That's what I'm worried about. I do noticed the weight difference though, that's why I had them RDC-ed in the first place.

Where do pros add lead to match their racquets? I know I'm not a pro but would be nice to know. :D

are you noticing the diff in swingweight while playing or the difference in static weight? most people cant really detect 2-3 swingweight points.

the pros have weight added at varying locations depending..there really is no one set way.


are you noticing the diff in swingweight while playing or the difference in static weight? most people cant really detect 2-3 swingweight points.

the pros have weight added at varying locations depending..there really is no one set way.

Yeah I notice the diff in swingweight while playing, I use both for playing matches so I do spend a lot of time with them and have found one just swings a bit heavier. Also RDC measurements are never 100% so the real SW difference could be more than 3 pts.

Which way, in your opinion, retains feel better. Polarize the weight/lead on the frame, or all 4 grams on balance point?


Yeah I notice the diff in swingweight while playing, I use both for playing matches so I do spend a lot of time with them and have found one just swings a bit heavier. Also RDC measurements are never 100% so the real SW difference could be more than 3 pts.

Which way, in your opinion, retains feel better, polarize the weight/lead on the frame or all 4 grams on balance point?

the most simple way <since your 2 bats balance the same> would be to put the lead at the balance point of the lighter racquet assuming your heavier racquet has the higher swingweight...altho you really dont see many pros doing this i dont think. easily done and easily removed if it doesnt work. alternatively you could put a little lead at 3 and 9 and the corresponding amount of lead around the grip collar cuff and see how that works. you're going to have to experiment a little

i wouldnt buy into all this polarizing stuff you hear around here too much.


the most simple way <since your 2 bats balance the same> would be to put the lead at the balance point of the lighter racquet assuming your heavier racquet has the higher swingweight...altho you really dont see many pros doing this i dont think. easily done and easily removed if it doesnt work. alternatively you could put a little lead at 3 and 9 and the corresponding amount of lead around the grip collar cuff and see how that works. you're going to have to experiment a little

i wouldnt buy into all this polarizing stuff you hear around here too much.

Thanks for the advice. I agree the logical thing to do is to put the lead at the balance point to start with and go from there.
