What is the best multifilament string that acts similarly like natural gut? Nat gut is really expensive and I don't want to put that much money into stings so I want a cheaper alternative to it. I know NXT, Xcel, NRG2 are good multis, but which one acts most similar to a nat gut? I will be putting the multi in the mains with a 16 gauge and ALU Power 16L in the crosses. Im thinking of stringing the multi at 52 lbs and the poly at 49.5.
There is no multi that acts similar to gut. That's right there isn't a substitute.
By the time you restring your frame three times with X1 mains because they have frayed, you will have spent two extra stringing fees and you have paid for an extra pack of both X1 and and an extra pack of ALU Power 16L.
Cost for pacific tough gut/ ALU 16L and one stringing ?
Cost of three 1/2 packs of X1 and three 1/2 packs ALU Power plus three stringing fees - even if you string yourself which you should learn to do if start breaking a lot of strings, you are still better off with Gut/ALU Power ?
It cost just $12 more to put Pacific Tough Gut in the mains vs X1 BiPhase. (1/2 pack of each for the mains)
I purchased four reels of X1 16g and three reels of NRG2- finally when Technifibre got stupid with their pricing, I left never to return. Prince Premier Control is just as good or better for $10 a pack than X1 or NRG2 but if you want something that acts like natural gut, don't buy a multi and think it will play like gut. It doesn't.
Multi Mains/ Poly Crosses isn't durable for string breakers and gets rather expensive quickly when you factor in stringing fees. Don't think short term- one string job- think long term- which is set up is gonna cost me more in the long run- Gut is cheaper in the long run. Been there done that. The only problem with gut is when playing very humid what places like the southeast United States.