Best paintjob on new racket ?


I know I'm a bit superficial in this regard, but 30% of a decision to buy a racket is based on its looks.

I think the new player rackets from Yonex, Head, Wilson, Prince look great. The RDX500, LM Prestige Mid, ncode 90, Diablo have great looking paintjobs. The Slaz X1 also looks awesome.

My vote for best cosmetics goes to the LM Prestige Mid, just beautiful. Then the RDX and X1.

My all-time favorites ? Yonex RD Ti70 (drop dead ferrari red), LM Prestige Mid, IPrestige in that order.


Hall of Fame
ncode, rdx500, and slaz x1 have really nice paintjobs.

all time faves are still the chang graphite longbody, and chang titanium.


New User
Candy bar is not new, candy bar could be nice


Ryoma Kun

i think the x1 went homosexual compared to the probraided henamn/ black n white

lm prestige is cool, n1 is just pimp, tour diablo aint bad either.
nCodes seem a little checkerboard and unimaginative, and that ProStaff thing inside the hoop is positively strange. Volkls for the most part are beautifully finished with a simple elegance. My vote for worst racquet art goes to Fischer, with its billboard-size FREQUENCY TUNING at the top of the ft hoops, and the lateral hashmarks that look like a lab electrophoresis result.


Hall of Fame
Gotta agree that the RDX looks great...I actually liked the nCodes Tour 90s as well, but a lot of that is the retro brown leather grip...reminds me of my misbegotten tennis youth...


Fischer VTPro90 and VTPro98...ooops you said new about the Fischer karl uwe steeb..that thing was just beautiful (anyone remember it?)..stich used it for a short time...i gotta go with the 2 Volkl Tour10 V-Engines (mid and MP) in the current crop as far as cosmetics.


Volkl Tour 10 V-Engine MidPlus is a great looking frame, and I also agree that the Wilson nCode 90 (95) is great looking. I give the nod to the 90 because of the leather grip though.


hey jay, you should see how one of my t10's ended up...i painted her all black then later removed the paint which removed all the graphics and now i have a plain black frame morphing into gold on the's my steeler's frame ;) and it looks sweet i think