Best Racquets for Tennis Elbow


Does TW have a sticky somewhere, or in laymen's terms, a list, of racquets that are generally considered to be good for guys coming off of tennis elbow?

Phil Hartman

New User
Does TW have a sticky somewhere, or in laymen's terms, a list, of racquets that are generally considered to be good for guys coming off of tennis elbow?

You can do a racket search for all rackets with a low stiffness rating. The lower, the better on your arm.

TW Staff


We do not have a sticky but have found the most arm friendly racquet brands are Volkl and ProKennex. A low stiffness also helps as some of the other users have mentioned. Also, string choice is very important lower tensions as well as using strings other than polyester can help as well.

Is there any specific racquets you have in mind?

Brittany, TW


Talk Tennis Guru
I'd recommend the PK Redondo. Just be warned that comfortable racquets tend to be low-powered.


Hall of Fame
A couple of the Prince frames with port grommets fit the bill also.

While I agree that most arm friendly are low powered there are a few more powerful racquets out there, you just need to search within your preferred spec range.