I am fine with it, i have an old star three in the spare room and i enjoy stringing for myself and for my family. I spend way more money on natural gut than i ought to, but for me, it is worth it and nobody (my wife) ever complains, probably because i do not have any other regular addictions (alcohol, coffee, tobacco, luxury watches, luxury cars, road bike gear, etc). I just get sticks, strings, overgrips and shoes a lot because i am a tennisdork.
I order either vs gut 17 or Tonic ball feel mains in three pure strike 16/19s with lead, leather and an overgrip, 359g total, headlight goodness.
I am way happier with my 5 to 7 hours than you beasts who would break the gut mains in thirty minutes, haha! That would not work for me....having to string every night. The cost of gut is less of an issue than the time.
I have never had any elbow problems but this string set up helps with my severe case of tenniselbophobia. According to my team of clinical psychologists, my tenniselbophobia has heightened as i have switched away from the flexible frames i have enjoyed for four full decades (i.e., wooden kramers and maxplys, the max 200G, puma becker pro, volkl c 10 comp, c10 pro, prestige, babolat storm LTD, pure storm tour, aerostorm tour, etc.)
I just want to love the game into my late forties, fifties and sixties...and i want my arm to hold up. I am a strong guy, and this is the equipment side of it. The strength/flexibility aspects and the technical aspects are of equal importance to me, too. But the equipment part is the easiest to control: fresh strings, grips and even shoes. Yes, i battle plantar fasciitiphobia, too, but this is a very mild case.