best standard synthetic gut for hybrid


What's your suggestion for standard synthetic gut for hybrid stringing in the crosses? I've been using full 17 gauge multi string setups for a long time now, but am wondering if I can get more bang for the buck by using a lower cost yet decent syn gut cross string. Suggestions? I'm thinking PSG Original 17, Gosen OG Sheep Micro 17.. those kinds of strings. But I haven't tried this yet.. I'd appreciate any suggestions.

P.S. I probably won't be trying poly mains, at least for now, if that alters your opinion.



gosen ogsm is the syn gut i use most for crosses in hybrids.

btw - speaking of poly mains, i'm using monogut in mains with the ogsm crosses and happy with the play. that poly is pretty soft so no TE issues.


Thanks, bad_call. I've not tried any Ashaway strings.. so I'll get a couple of those, too and try it out.



I've had excellent performance in the past from Bab VS synthetic gut (now called Conquest) in 16 and 18 gauge.

Probably my fav cross for a nat gut hybrid is Gosen Jim Courier. JC is a little firmer than ogsm and the stringbed ends up just a little firmer than an all nat gut bed, which I like because I can feel the ball just a bit better.

Btw, JC used to be available in both 16 and 17 ga, but now only in 16. (The 16 still works well with a 17 ga nat gut; I do wish they would being the 17 back to the US market, though.)
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Beautiful. I'll make sure and pre-stretch the monogut. I do my own stringing so I'm all over that.

Thanks all for the thoughtful responses! Much appreciated.