Fighting phoenix
Hey! I picked up an Ektolon (ie Neos) crank machine off of Facebook marketplace a year ago for $160 - needed to send it to MO to get the tensioner cleaned up and calibrated for another $150 - and it's been great. However, now that I'm stringing a ton for myself, my kids at times, and now some tennis buddies, I'm thinking of upgrading to something a little easier and with better mounts and what not (my mounts were bare metal and I've added tape and overgrip to them to avoid damaging racquets I'm stringing).
I'm leaning towards another crank machine vs. electric (not sure electric is necessary given that I'm not stringing really for $), but am willing to pay in the ~$2K range for something easy to use, will last forever, etc.. I've seen a lot of opinions here about different options - what do you all recommend? Two that have seemed to stand out are the Alpha Speed and the Tourna CS-650.
I'm leaning towards another crank machine vs. electric (not sure electric is necessary given that I'm not stringing really for $), but am willing to pay in the ~$2K range for something easy to use, will last forever, etc.. I've seen a lot of opinions here about different options - what do you all recommend? Two that have seemed to stand out are the Alpha Speed and the Tourna CS-650.