Best stringing machine for less than or around $2K

Fighting phoenix

Hey! I picked up an Ektolon (ie Neos) crank machine off of Facebook marketplace a year ago for $160 - needed to send it to MO to get the tensioner cleaned up and calibrated for another $150 - and it's been great. However, now that I'm stringing a ton for myself, my kids at times, and now some tennis buddies, I'm thinking of upgrading to something a little easier and with better mounts and what not (my mounts were bare metal and I've added tape and overgrip to them to avoid damaging racquets I'm stringing).

I'm leaning towards another crank machine vs. electric (not sure electric is necessary given that I'm not stringing really for $), but am willing to pay in the ~$2K range for something easy to use, will last forever, etc.. I've seen a lot of opinions here about different options - what do you all recommend? Two that have seemed to stand out are the Alpha Speed and the Tourna CS-650.



Tourna CS-350 is very nice, and well within your budget. I had the chance to string on a local clubs one last week. They also got a CS-650 electronic but the 350 I think had newer design of clamps.
Can't go wrong with a GAMMA in your price range either. I reccomend one with a stand, or add the stand.

Or find a used deal on something electronic. I recently got both a Baiardo, and a Baiardo Lite each for about what you are looking to spend.


Tourna CS-350 is very nice, and well within your budget. I had the chance to string on a local clubs one last week. They also got a CS-650 electronic but the 350 I think had newer design of clamps.
Can't go wrong with a GAMMA in your price range either. I reccomend one with a stand, or add the stand.

Or find a used deal on something electronic. I recently got both a Baiardo, and a Baiardo Lite each for about what you are looking to spend.
The Tourna CS-350 is a good work horse. Bought my 2.5 years ago and I string appx 10 racquets a week. Tourna has a new, Tourna 550-ES for around $1,300.


Hall of Fame
Hey! I picked up an Ektolon (ie Neos) crank machine off of Facebook marketplace a year ago for $160 - needed to send it to MO to get the tensioner cleaned up and calibrated for another $150 - and it's been great. However, now that I'm stringing a ton for myself, my kids at times, and now some tennis buddies, I'm thinking of upgrading to something a little easier and with better mounts and what not (my mounts were bare metal and I've added tape and overgrip to them to avoid damaging racquets I'm stringing).

I'm leaning towards another crank machine vs. electric (not sure electric is necessary given that I'm not stringing really for $), but am willing to pay in the ~$2K range for something easy to use, will last forever, etc.. I've seen a lot of opinions here about different options - what do you all recommend? Two that have seemed to stand out are the Alpha Speed and the Tourna CS-650.


If I were you, I’d buy the missing parts you need for your Neos and possibly add a Wise Tension Head. It’s hard to beat the durability and ease of the Neos. I’m writing from experience. I currently use a Neos with a Wise and I prefer it greatly to a 6 point mount where the multiple arms just get in the way. The only advantage swivel clamps have over glide bars is for ATW patterns which are greatly overrated.

Parts you might need:




If I were you, I’d buy the missing parts you need for your Neos and possibly add a Wise Tension Head. It’s hard to beat the durability and ease of the Neos. I’m writing from experience. I currently use a Neos with a Wise and I prefer it greatly to a 6 point mount where the multiple arms just get in the way. The only advantage swivel clamps have over glide bars is for ATW patterns which are greatly overrated.

Parts you might need:

to what @dak95_00 said, you’re better off replacing/upgrading parts + wise than spending extra money. There not a whole lot a Neo can’t do (aside from maybe stringing a Bubba).

Also, I prefer a linear gripper over a rotational gripper (Wise) which is what you get (Tourna ES).


@Fighting phoenix

Not saying you need to but in addition to what @dak95_00 mentioned above you might want to get a couple of these just in case:

Also have you looked at the price of a new Neos 1000 lately? They are 1799.00. Kind of hard to get a better machine for the money considering your budget line. Save your $2K, spend $50 or a $100 and you have a "new" NEOS 1000. Also, make sure you are using the right throat pieces for the "arc" of your rackets. One size doesn't fit all so make sure you have the whole throat piece kit.

Cobra Tennis

Hello OP!

I'm a proud proud owner of an Ektelon H that was built in the late 80s and has 30k racquets strung on it.

I've owned electronic machines like an Alpha Ghost and others and honestly, your H / NEOS is gonna outlive your grandchildren.

I'd upgrade the mounts on your H and pocket that money---unless it is really really burning a hole in your pocket---I can't see that it is worth the upgrade. A wise tension head may be a good idea, but I'm old school and like the dependability of the crank. There are a few creature comforts that an electronic machine may offer, but IMO doesn't justify the cost difference.

The H / NEOS just doesn't quit!


However, now that I'm stringing a ton for myself, my kids at times, and now some tennis buddies, I'm thinking of upgrading to something a little easier and with better mounts and what not (my mounts were bare metal and I've added tape and overgrip to them to avoid damaging racquets I'm stringing).
So I read that TW strings their selling racquets with Prince Neos. If they can do that I think you can too.

Fighting phoenix

@Fighting phoenix

Not saying you need to but in addition to what @dak95_00 mentioned above you might want to get a couple of these just in case:

Also have you looked at the price of a new Neos 1000 lately? They are 1799.00. Kind of hard to get a better machine for the money considering your budget line. Save your $2K, spend $50 or a $100 and you have a "new" NEOS 1000. Also, make sure you are using the right throat pieces for the "arc" of your rackets. One size doesn't fit all so make sure you have the whole throat piece kit.
Yes those are excellent points. What is the three piece dog kit for?

Fighting phoenix

Hello OP!

I'm a proud proud owner of an Ektelon H that was built in the late 80s and has 30k racquets strung on it.

I've owned electronic machines like an Alpha Ghost and others and honestly, your H / NEOS is gonna outlive your grandchildren.

I'd upgrade the mounts on your H and pocket that money---unless it is really really burning a hole in your pocket---I can't see that it is worth the upgrade. A wise tension head may be a good idea, but I'm old school and like the dependability of the crank. There are a few creature comforts that an electronic machine may offer, but IMO doesn't justify the cost difference.

The H / NEOS just doesn't quit!
Cool thanks! What about calibrating the tensioner - how often should I do that? I don't have the calibration device/tool currently.


Hall of Fame
Cool thanks! What about calibrating the tensioner - how often should I do that? I don't have the calibration device/tool currently.
Whenever you get bored, or maybe after a move or something. I don’t think it’s time based IME… maybe racket based. Or if you’ve never done it… do it.

You need to just check tension with some tool every now and then.

Agree with most folks here… if you’re not getting electric (and I agree with your reasons for not) it’s really hard to justify anything as an upgrade to what you already have.

- you hate the mounting on the neos
- you hate the clamps on the neos

I love the neos mounting. I’ve strung on tons of machines from low end to high end. Neos mounting is just stupid simple and effective.

I like the simplicity of the glide bars. There a less annoying than swivel clamps.

Here’s the catch:
Depends what you string and how much variety.

For me: I string one racket consistently with a second racket here and there.

I hate adjusting the mounting system on the neos. I’d rather have a high end machine if I’m stringing a wide variety of rackets like I used to back in the day.

Because you’re already on a neos I don’t think itll
Make a difference (I got used to it) but ability to rotate 360 on other machines is much nicer than not being able to on the neos.

Problem I have is same you have though. If you’re not going electric and up to $3500-$6000 price point, it always ends on Neos. The sub $2k machines don’t have enough of the high end features I want to move. And I personally prefer rackets strung on lockout over electric. There is no stringing machine I’m aware of that serves this market niche of high end bells and whistles with a lock out instead of electric.

In top of that, these electrics don’t last a lifetime (historically) so the price difference is actually very significant - and the unit economics are also super different if you’re not going huge scale. Because you’d maybe buy like 2-3 electric machines in your lifetime. You’d buy one neos on your lifetime. (Based on what I see/read.)


@Fighting phoenix , See that slot in the block below the throat pieces? The dog kit fits in there and if when you tighten the T-bar lever down and the T-bar doesn't stay tightened down you need to replace the dog kit most likely. There is one on each end. You may never need them but if you need them and Neos parts are no longer made you may wish you had picked up a pair when available.



Cool thanks! What about calibrating the tensioner - how often should I do that? I don't have the calibration device/tool currently.
You can get a calibrating scale for about $35.
I was using the Klippermate for 12 years and just upgraded to the Gamma X-ELS last year. It was a wonderful and perfect upgrade but if I had any 6pt mount crank machine, I probably wouldn't have upgraded.


Hall of Fame
Cool thanks! What about calibrating the tensioner - how often should I do that? I don't have the calibration device/tool currently.
You should really, greatly consider calling Tennis Machines and talking with them. If you get lucky, you will get to talk with the legend, JC, himself. They have everything you could possibly need or want. CALL THEM or even email them.

$30 for a tension calibrator


Hall of Fame
+1 for those digital scales. I use a luggage scale. Way better than the analog thing I used to have “designed” for tennis.

It’s actually also really cool to see the tension lower the longer the string is locked out. Gives a sense of why consistently clamping (time wise) is useful.

Also makes more sense why shops want electronics to me after seeing that. Takes a variable out. But they are just pulling more and more to mitigate the drop aren’t they?


I would caution you on an 'upgrade'.....the Neos with a WISE is a solid option. I had the upgrade bug a few years back and went to a swivel clamp machine and realized I *hated* it. It was the non gravity clamp style and I was just really annoyed with raising and lowering the swivel clamp, locking and unlocking the base....sure it had a better mounting system but to me the move to a electronic head is a huge leap in stringing enjoyment that I think is the best use of money. If you insist on upgrading, def make sure the clamps are gravity style. Or just look on the used market...something good usually will pop up every couple of months if you live near a major metro market