With a high end electronic CP, if you know what you are doing, you can do a frame in under 30 minutes. But you can also do a frame in under 30 minutes with a manual crank-LO. The machine will not make you better or prevent mistakes. It is a learning curve. No matter the machine, your 1st string job will take over an hour (if not way more). Wasted motions and weaving are the major issues. But as you do more frames, you learn what steps you need to weave faster; you learn to not tangle up the string and keep one end in a hole on the frame or rubber banded to your wrist. All in the interest of saving motion or time. BUT that is in a retail environment. If you are stringing for yourself, are you going to have these time constraints? Odds are NO, unless you have 1-3 little kids to spend time with. There is nothing wrong with 45 minutes or 60 minutes if you're doing it watching TV or sipping wine/beer.
I would not worry too much about screwing up. Mount the frame correctly and you are good to go. Try and move the frame after mounting. It should be somewhat hard to move side to side. As far as running strings, It's hard to mess up doing the mains unless you miss a mains skip. But you catch that immediately on the other side. You wonder WTF? and go back and redo the main. No big deal. Crosses are another story. Just decide to look at each cross before tensioning. If you went under on the 1st main, you should be over on the last main. Then tension. Screw up again? So what. Redo the cross where you missed a weave. It is not rocket science and you don't actually harm the string that much as long as it is not natural gut [less handling, the better.]
You will find people here who are happy with Klippermates and X2's. You will find people who are happy with LO/LOs with WISE replacements. And you also find people that have gone 'whole hog' Star 5, Prince 6000...You'll find people that take 30 minutes to 60 minutes per frame once they get use to the stringer.
Why are you suddenly interested in stringing? There's normally a reason for sudden interest like losing a stringer or breaking strings too quickly. No need to answer if you rather not. Just saying that your worries are not that big unless you have 10 thumbs and can't follow instructions.