I was wondering what you guys think is the best synthetic gut out their as far as terms of feel and playability. durability is not a concern i am also using a Pure drive plus i was thinking maybe 17g super fine play but im not sure what do you guys think.
That's a fine start. Then later, once you know how it plays with Babolat's own SFP 17 in it, you can reconsider, as required. You might think about tension, too, though, which should fit the way you play...
^^ I was gonna say basically the same thing... I used PSG w/ duraflex 17g @ 60 lbs as a start. Then I figured out my tension range and then started experimenting on string. For me, PSG w/duraflex was used because IMO, it's the best bang for your buck for syn guts.
^^ I was gonna say basically the same thing... I used PSG w/ duraflex 17g @ 60 lbs as a start. Then I figured out my tension range and then started experimenting on string. For me, PSG w/duraflex was used because IMO, it's the best bang for your buck for syn guts.
I agree with the above...but keep in mind some people (like me) like our syn gut to be crisp...others like it softer and more dampened like Gamma syn gut or PSG original.
Also, do a search on synthetic guts in this forum and you will find many threads titled "which is the best syn gut".
anyway...i think babolat SFP is a good string to start off with. it's softer than PSGD, but may not last too long since it's 17g and on a PD. also, what tension were you planning to string at?