Best Turn Around/Fastest Turn Around with a new coaching team??? Gauf/Gilbert?

Robert F

Hall of Fame
Coaches have definitely helped players out and often taken players to the next level.
But have we ever seen a coaching change result in such a turnaround so quickly as the paring of Gauf with Gilbert and Riba?
Cleaning up her forehand and making her more aggressive are two pretty big changes that stuck well in this tournament.

Boris and Goran helped Djoker out but I don't remember it making such a monumental change.
Lendl really helped Andy, but again not after a few months to my recollection.
Maybe Magnus Norman's effect on Stan seemed as dramatic, but still not in such a short time span.

Maybe Mourtugolu's support of Serena was significant, but again was it as quick? And really he seemed to rejuvenate her game then restructure it?

Of course, time will tell. This is only one tournament, can she keep it going?
Got to see her practice in Cincy. Brad and Riba were keeping a big positive attitude. Seemed to be having fun and just focusing on quality hitting.

Robert F

Hall of Fame
Nadal - Moya
Definitely resurrected his game. So big effect.
The effect was big, maybe even bigger than Gauff/Gilbert/Para (total effect could get bigger or might just flop out). But Nadal and Moya worked together for a while before effect was seen.
I'm still amazed that they amped Gauf's game so fast.
Almost makes me wonder if her past team just didn't know the next place to take her to.


What is it with Gilbert that he has this sorcery? I know win ugly and all that stuff, but the pros can win too, and other coaches can see her fh. What is his secret sauce?

I get cramps

Higueras received a call from Jim Courier in the early days of the autumn of 1990. The Floridian told Higueras, "Jose, I believe you can help me."

The red-haired tennis player was the 18th-ranked player in the world. Within six months, he attained ninth place in the rankings, and after receiving coaching from Higueras/Brad Stine for nine months, he accomplished the fourth-best player status in the ATP rankings.
What is it with Gilbert that he has this sorcery? I know win ugly and all that stuff, but the pros can win too, and other coaches can see her fh. What is his secret sauce?
From what I understood from his book is that he is able to figure out how to get his player to use their best shot and keep hitting it to the opponent's weakest shot. I haven't really watch Gauff play that much so I have no idea of what her best shot is though.