Best way to add weight to the handle???


New User
I've come across many methods online ranging from wrapping least tape around the area above the buttcap, using leather grips(which I have tried and don't like) and using tungsten putty and was curious if anyone here has a nice convenient method for adding weight or just has an interesting method of going about it


12mm tape on both long sides of the handle once you have removed the base grip, or replace your original grip with a leather one. It depends on how much weight you want to add.
bluetack inside handle after removing buttcap. heck, even stick tungsten or lead tape (or even fishing sinkers for you anglers lol) inside a balled up pieces of the bluetack.

these methods are easily undone; IOW, theu could be temporary or permanent weight adding solutions.

If you’re 100% sure of how much weight you wanna add, use silicon gel/putty (until you achieve desired weight). This would be a more permanent move fyi, since it will dry up, of course.

If you’re buttcaps don’t pop off/out, order some that do; they’re dirt cheap.


I've used blu tack, it is dirt cheap and easy to use and measure. The brand I've used recently even comes pre-grooved to pieces, so really easy to measure the weight. I've lead taped under the grip too, and used sorbothane grips (and the other heavier than regular non-leather comfort "gel" grips from Wilson, Head etc).

Silicone is a devil's invention, having had to use to seal bathroom corners and such, I will happily stay away if I can. (I even had see-through silicon (off ****) nose pads on my eye glasses for a while... they burned a permanent red mark on my nose... so no thank you!)

My Dunlops F3.0 and M3.0 only have a thick sticker at the butt, I thought if you took it off, you'd get access, but no, it is sealed off. Easy to cut an opening with a knife, though, and it seems the sticker still holds in place easily after stuffing the blu tack in.

I have the tendency of messing around with weights, so want to keep it cheap and simple.

My main rackets basically have around 60g of added weight at the grip end. Using sorbothane, lead tape, overgrips, blu tac...


I highly advocate a heavier grip or weight strips spread under the grip. I have tried weight under the cap more then once and I always hated it
What didn't you like about it? Is there a difference in feel?

I know it is not scientific but I've had the same experience as topspn... it may have to do with the fact that the weight in the cap is never truly vibration-free. A heavier handle makes the racquet feel very stable and solid. I haven't been able to replicate that overall solid feel simply with a weighted cap; the racquet always seem to feel unbalanced and buzzy.


Kitchen scrub sponge. It dampens vibration a tiny bit but not as much as silicone - way easier to remove though. Adds as much as 10g.

I don't like the extra weight all in the buttcap, just feels wrong.


Hall of Fame
Silicone, but not too much. If you need more weight after it's dry, you can push some nails into the silicone.


Here's what I started doing a couple of years ago when I started playing balance and polarization. I didn't want to have to dig silicone, putty or some of the resin out of the handle while looking for ideal setup. First, I stuff 2-3 cotton balls on each side of the divider (if the racquet has one). For weight I use 3" deck screws. Each one weights about .3 oz. Most handles will hold up to four comfortably, but I doubt you'll go there unless you are 6-foot something tipping the scales over 200 pounds. Using a power drill, I screw however many I need into the cotton to get the balance I want. The cotton wraps nicely around the screw for a tight packing and no vibration. Too heavy? Unscrew the longer screw out of the cotton and put in a shorter one or remove them completely. There is no mess and it takes about 2 minutes to add or subtract the weight to the desired balance.


Talk Tennis Guru
Lead tape on the bare pallet handle usually works best. If it doesn't stick so easily, then a little duck tape does wonders.