Bicep Friendly racquest


New User
Anyone have any suggestions on bicep friendly tennis racquets? I'm currently thinking about changing my current racquets out for some new ones. In 2005 I tore my bicep and got poor medical help and never got therapy until recently. I've loosened the tension of my strings I run a hybrid setup poly at 54 lbs in the mains and synthec in the crosses at 56 lbs. I'm hitting currently with a hyper hammer 6.3 midplus. I find myself altering my swing to compensate when i have pain. This is causing me to have poor form and a serious amount of power and control loss. Suggestions on demo's and strings is appreciated.
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Pro Kennex racquets are your best bet and stay away from head heavy frames like the Hammer series from Wilson. You will probably need to go full bed of multi filament or natural guy strung at 50lbs. Poly is no good for you.


New User
I'd suggest trying angell frames (classic or V3). Most comfortable racquets I've ever hit with and also top quality. Pair with soft string (no poly) and you should be good to go. :)