The Blond Blur
They were born within a year of each other, yet they didn’t hit their prime/or peak around the same time. Case in point, RAFA is only 11 months older than Joker, yet he had 9 schlems and had completed the golden CYGS before Joker had even won his 2nd schlem. If Joker is only 11 months younger, then why did it take him so long to hit his peak? It’s because different individuals are going to develop physically at different times.nole, rafa and muzza are all born in one year period.
rafa played most matches vs nole (60; 40+WO vs fed, 24 vs muzza, 22 vs wawa)
fed played most matches vs nole (50+WO; 40+WO vs rafa, 25 vs muzza, 26+WO vs wawa)
muzza played most matches vs nole (36; 25 vs fed, 24 vs rafa)
wawa played most matches vs nole (27; 26+WO vs fed, 22 vs rafa)
nole is the player who played most matches vs top10 (373; fed 347, rafa 290)
nole is the player who won most matches vs top10 (258; fed 224, rafa 186)
nole has much higher W% vs top10 than fed and rafa (is all time 2nd behind borg, 69,2%; fed 64,6%, rafa 63,9%)
nole played 173 matches vs big4 + wawa
rafa played 146 matches vs big4 + wawa
fed played 141 matches vs big4 + wawa
so who had it toughest?
Just because Joker got to rack up a ton of wins vs post prime Fedal and a top 10 full of #LostGen and #NextGen players doesn’t mean he had it the hardest. He’s also been by far the most fortunate when it comes to injuries. So to answer your question, I think RAFA had it the toughest out of the Big 3 and I always will. Imo his prime overlapped the most with 2 other GOAT candidates. 2007-2013 was imo the toughest period in the Big 3 Era and he the best results out of the 3.
You can disagree all you want, but you’re not going to change my mind.