Big Banger ALU Power 16L vs. Big Banger Ace 18?


Hall of Fame
After having my three POG mid racquets strung with various hybrid combinations I've decided that I like having Luxilon Big Banger ALU Power 16L much better as a main string than any of the Kirschbaum polys.

I've never had a chance to try the Luxilon Big Banger Ace 18 string but would like to hear your feedback on this string (especially in terms of feel/touch/power) or any comparisons you can make between it and the Big Banger ALU Power 16L.


There have been many posts on BB Ace 18. Why don't you buy a pack and try it? Personally, I like TiMo 18 better, but there are many who like BB Ace 18. It is all subjective and has EVERYTHING to do with what YOU like. One usually determines that by trying it.

BTW, I just tried a search on BB Ace in this arena of TW Talk Tennis and got 190 hits and a lot of info. It's time to move on from this same tired quest.


Hall of Fame
Thanks...I searched "Ace 18" and got 214 hits. Anyway, from what I've read, the Ace 18 has poor durability for open string patterns and I think the POG mid would be considered as an open string pattern. I believe I'll stick with the Big Banger ALU Power 16L. Thanks.



And therein lies the madness. After 257 posts about this racket or that string you wind up sticking with 1) The POG Mid, and b) ALU 16L. It's a disease, an illness, an addiction, a fetish if you will. Hey, that gives me an idea for a thread.

Bennie and the Jets.....stop the insanity! At least become a closet demoer. Have you noticed the pattern? You ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask.............(breath here)........and ask and ask and ask and ask and ask and then you stick with what you're already using!

It's like.....hey what if.......but what about......and if I.......oh well forget it.


Hall of Fame
My wife prefers to call it a "JAG"

I will probably end up sticking with the POG mid (although I'm trying to get TW to let me do a playtester review for the Wilson Original 6.0 95, nCode nSix-One 95, Babolat Pure Control, and Fischer Pro Number 1) but I have decided to go from an all poly job to poly mains and synthetic crosses.

It's just a matter of finding the right synthetic for the crosses :D


PS: if anyone can offer some advice on lead tape please see my post over in the "Other Equipment" area.


TripleB said:
I will probably end up sticking with the POG mid...

Now there's a shocker!!!!!

TripleB said:
I will probably end up sticking with the POG mid... but I have decided to go from an all poly job to poly mains and synthetic crosses.

It's just a matter of finding the right synthetic for the crosses

I have used many hybrids and posted this many times. 80 - 90 percent of any string job's playability is directly related to the mains, not the crosses. In other words, you're not going to see that much gain/loss between any plain Jane synthetic in terms of playability of a hybrid.

If you want a great string for a hybrid, please use either Alpha Gut 2000 (any gauge) or Tecnifibre E-matrix. Both are priced along the same lines as a mono and are much more playable. Also, when you combine the words Duraflex and playable, you've defined an oxymoron.