Chas Tennis
I recently found some references mostly by tennis biomechanics researcher Bruce Elliott and associates. I found them very interesting.
If you have some similar references please reply.
1) Two minute interview with Bruce Elliott on biomechanics, tennis, and coaching. Refers to the book
Technique Development in Tennis Stroke Production(2009), B. Elliott, M. Reid & M. Crespo
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. all list it as ‘out of stock’. No wonder I had not heard of this 2009 biomechanics book on tennis stroke techniques. I found it for sale at the ITF Store. $20.
2) Paper - Biomechanics and Tennis, Elliott (internal shoulder rotation on the serve)
3) An Australian tennis website includes video discussions-
Instructional videos from a coach development workshop including 2 part Bruce Elliott & M. Reid video on the forehand. The first part is 56 minutes long and the first minutes are about foot work. Most stroke swing information starts at about 30 minutes.
(Note at the top of the webpage is a code to view the videos.)
4) ITF paper on coaching the serve
bad link
5) Paper on the serve - Where do High Speed Tennis Serves come from? G. Noffal
6) Early 1995 paper on the serve and internal shoulder rotation - Contributions of Upper Limb Segment Rotations During the Power Serve in Tennis, B. Elliott et al.
7) Paper - A Review of Tennis Serve Biomechanics, M. Seeley
8.) Biomechanical Principles of Tennis Technique, D. Knudson. Includes several insightful discussions.
9) ITF Biomechanics Stroke Power Point presentations, 2007
10) Paper - The Use of Technology in Tennis Biomechanics Research
11) Available ITF Publications
12) Paper - Shoulder joint loading in the high performance flat and kick tennis serves.(2007) Reid M, Elliott B, Alderson J.
13) Elastic Energy in Tennis -presentation B. Elliott
14) Paper - Key Factors and Timing Patterns in the Tennis Forehand of Different Skill Levels
Johannes Landlinger, Stefan Lindinger, Thomas Stöggl, Herbert Wagner and Erich Müller . Timing diagrams of joint angular velocities before & after impact.
15) ITF Introducing Biomechanics (added 12/2/13)
16) When viewing abstracts of many publications may be available free. To view the free paper look for an icon in the upper right side of the webpage with the abstract. Usually indicates 'view free text' somewhere but that phrase is not a link. For example, show abstract and link for paper #12.
Free full NCBI research papers on biomechanical and medical subjects. PMC = free full publications
(I thought that an ISBS biomechanics conference in July 2012 was to have a session on tennis and a special ITF tennis publication. But just learned that there’s no special session on tennis and, I guess ?, no special issue on the latest tennis research.)
If you have some similar references please reply.
1) Two minute interview with Bruce Elliott on biomechanics, tennis, and coaching. Refers to the book
Technique Development in Tennis Stroke Production(2009), B. Elliott, M. Reid & M. Crespo
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc. all list it as ‘out of stock’. No wonder I had not heard of this 2009 biomechanics book on tennis stroke techniques. I found it for sale at the ITF Store. $20.
2) Paper - Biomechanics and Tennis, Elliott (internal shoulder rotation on the serve)
3) An Australian tennis website includes video discussions-
Instructional videos from a coach development workshop including 2 part Bruce Elliott & M. Reid video on the forehand. The first part is 56 minutes long and the first minutes are about foot work. Most stroke swing information starts at about 30 minutes.
(Note at the top of the webpage is a code to view the videos.)
4) ITF paper on coaching the serve
bad link
5) Paper on the serve - Where do High Speed Tennis Serves come from? G. Noffal
6) Early 1995 paper on the serve and internal shoulder rotation - Contributions of Upper Limb Segment Rotations During the Power Serve in Tennis, B. Elliott et al.
7) Paper - A Review of Tennis Serve Biomechanics, M. Seeley
8.) Biomechanical Principles of Tennis Technique, D. Knudson. Includes several insightful discussions.
9) ITF Biomechanics Stroke Power Point presentations, 2007
10) Paper - The Use of Technology in Tennis Biomechanics Research
11) Available ITF Publications
12) Paper - Shoulder joint loading in the high performance flat and kick tennis serves.(2007) Reid M, Elliott B, Alderson J.
13) Elastic Energy in Tennis -presentation B. Elliott
14) Paper - Key Factors and Timing Patterns in the Tennis Forehand of Different Skill Levels
Johannes Landlinger, Stefan Lindinger, Thomas Stöggl, Herbert Wagner and Erich Müller . Timing diagrams of joint angular velocities before & after impact.
15) ITF Introducing Biomechanics (added 12/2/13)
16) When viewing abstracts of many publications may be available free. To view the free paper look for an icon in the upper right side of the webpage with the abstract. Usually indicates 'view free text' somewhere but that phrase is not a link. For example, show abstract and link for paper #12.
Free full NCBI research papers on biomechanical and medical subjects. PMC = free full publications
(I thought that an ISBS biomechanics conference in July 2012 was to have a session on tennis and a special ITF tennis publication. But just learned that there’s no special session on tennis and, I guess ?, no special issue on the latest tennis research.)
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