Hi Sean,
I am struggling controlling the Babolat PA Play. My PA-Play has 331 swing weigth, which gives great stability at net against heavy hitters. But, I am missing many ground shots (too depth or outside lines) and returns, too. I do not know if the racquet is too powerful or if I am not being able to accelerate it enough to get the spin, or both. Control improved a little bit with RPM blast @ 56lbs., but still it does not have the precision I am looking for. I tried an standard PA with lower swing weigth, it has low control and less stability at net.
What customization would you recommend to the PA-Play to reduce swing weight and to the standard PA to improve stability?
Does the PA Tour offer a better power/control blend? I did read many posters switching from the PA to the Pure Strike 2017, or Yonex DR 98, any thoughts?