Glad you liked World Class. Did or have you read "Levels of the Game" and/or "You don't no Jack". If so, what did you think? Like WC, I thought the plot and tennis action in both were excellent. Also. YDNJ was pretty doggone funny. Any recommendations from your end?
I have You dont Jack in my phone but havent started it yet.
I have just finished Les Mousquetaires, good from a history point of view, but in French.
Then I have read lots the auto biographies> Mc Enroe, Sampras, Spadea, Connors, Agassi, Santoro, Pioline, Nadal, Spadea, Blake. Then the training ones, Braden, Fox, Gilbert. Missing Becker, not interested in Federer[s as still playing nor Nole and his diet. Maldita Davis, on Argentina[s questfor the DC.
I think Spadea s was a good surprise for me, as a book from someone which is not a top player and struggles.