boris becker before puma?


Dunlop Maxply
Then onto an Adidas Minstral (woodie with v throat much like the Vilas Head woodie)
Then Adidas GTX (the one Lendl used)
Then the Puma Boris Becker Winner (it was actually a Puma Vilas he won '85 Wimb but with a paint job). I stand to be corrected on this last fact


Hall of Fame
The racquets he used for the 1985 Wimbledon victory were non-paintjobbed Puma G. Vilas models. After the victory, Puma was quick to refresh the graphics (though the paint scheme stayed constant) and rename the model Boris Becker Winner. It was hugely popular after that, especially in Germany.

Otherwise, Ciaron's list is good, with one errata: it was the adidas Mistral, not minstrel!


Ciaron is right about Dunlop and Adidas (yes, Mistral) and retrowagen is right about Puma.
You can see in this video Becker is hitting with Adidas GTX Pro.
About the popularity of Becker's racquet: before Becker's victory in Wimbledon-1985 Puma sold about 15 000 racquets per year, after his victory - 150 000, ten times more.


The racquets he used for the 1985 Wimbledon victory were non-paintjobbed Puma G. Vilas models. After the victory, Puma was quick to refresh the graphics (though the paint scheme stayed constant) and rename the model Boris Becker Winner. It was hugely popular after that, especially in Germany.

Otherwise, Ciaron's list is good, with one errata: it was the adidas Mistral, not minstrel!
Ah Mistral it is. I blame auto correct ha ha I saw one on the bay the other day. In de_vintagers shop I think


As a young guy he was all in adidas (clothes, shoes, racquet), then switch to ellesse clothing and puma shoes, then to puma racquet, then to puma clothing, then to fila clothing and diadora shoes, then to lotto clothing and shoes, then to estusa racquet.


Yes, i also bought these BB Pumas, good quality leather and overal too. I also got Puma Guilero Vilas, also very nice.


Those are pretty nice. Are they ok for playing in? I find that a lot of retro shoes these days are a little too flimsy to actually use for tennis.


Those are pretty nice. Are they ok for playing in? I find that a lot of retro shoes these days are a little too flimsy to actually use for tennis.
It depeds on the model. Actually the principal difference between retro and modern tennis shoes is the material. Modern are lighter and more shockabsorb.


What did you pay for them your side . They were expensive here in SA .. The equivalent of $100
I got them from US. Don't remember the exact price, yes, probably around $100. But i was dreaming about them in 80's, so that's ok. For me the most important is the quality of the leather. Now thinking about Agassi's retro Nike.