Hall of Fame
This is truly a beautiful story that tells of the Macuxi Amazon Indian tribe, who say they are the guardians of a vast subterranean Earth.
This is also breaking news as of September 18, 2015. I have always believed this to be true, and it thrills me to see this news appearing now.
They tell of giants who inhabit this vast world, and there the fruits grow to be giant. After they traveled so far into the entrance, they began to lose weight allowing them to travel further underground.
They say there, things "float". This is especially satisfying to me, as I dream of floating all the time.
Right before an earthquake here on outer Earth, I always feel like I am floating.
That would explain that "feeling" for me, as at the time of a quake, this energy would be released from underground.
I believe the sensation comes from changes in gravity there.
Whether you believe in the hollow earth theory or not, this news article lends credence to its validity.
FROM LINK: The Macuxi Indians are Indians living in the Amazon, in countries like Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. According to their legends, they are the descendants of the children of the Sun, the creator of fire and disease and protective of the “inner Earth.”
After stocking with offered by giant food, Macuxi explorers return “home” to the world “outside”, helped by the giants of the inner world. It is said that the Macuxi are the “guardians” of the underworld, guards the entrance Inner Earth and its legends tell of a land in the interior of the earth, which is full of incredible power and wealth.
This legend, of course, is considered by many as just that, another ancestral history. But for the Macuxi, his “legend” was as real as it gets ready, and they were the protectors of the entrance to the British explorers came to the Amazon in search of gold and diamonds, venturing into the caves, and never to return
This is also breaking news as of September 18, 2015. I have always believed this to be true, and it thrills me to see this news appearing now.
They tell of giants who inhabit this vast world, and there the fruits grow to be giant. After they traveled so far into the entrance, they began to lose weight allowing them to travel further underground.
They say there, things "float". This is especially satisfying to me, as I dream of floating all the time.
Right before an earthquake here on outer Earth, I always feel like I am floating.
That would explain that "feeling" for me, as at the time of a quake, this energy would be released from underground.
I believe the sensation comes from changes in gravity there.
Whether you believe in the hollow earth theory or not, this news article lends credence to its validity.
FROM LINK: The Macuxi Indians are Indians living in the Amazon, in countries like Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. According to their legends, they are the descendants of the children of the Sun, the creator of fire and disease and protective of the “inner Earth.”
After stocking with offered by giant food, Macuxi explorers return “home” to the world “outside”, helped by the giants of the inner world. It is said that the Macuxi are the “guardians” of the underworld, guards the entrance Inner Earth and its legends tell of a land in the interior of the earth, which is full of incredible power and wealth.
This legend, of course, is considered by many as just that, another ancestral history. But for the Macuxi, his “legend” was as real as it gets ready, and they were the protectors of the entrance to the British explorers came to the Amazon in search of gold and diamonds, venturing into the caves, and never to return