Calculating balance point from head and grip weight


Hi all!
since manually trying to measure the balance (especially if your balance board is a rubbish selmade one like mine) and struggling to get a accurate reading is always a pain in the butt, i've tried to find a formula online in order to calculate it. I couldn't find one (if you do, pls let me know), so i've decided to sorta create my one.

34.5(if your racket is standard length, dunno how it would work with longer ones)*<head weight>/<grip weight>=balance
example: 34.5*162.9/171.1=32.84 cm

feels almost too easy to work, but somehow it does lol
please let me know if you have some improvement suggestions, feedback is always welcomed :)


see this thread,



see this thread,

Interesting how we use different formulas to get to the same result

Grafil Injection

Hall of Fame
Similar to the linked suggestion above, I measured 30-35 cm from the edge into my coffee table and put pencil dots at each CM. Then just observed at what point the racket handle rose up, but not enough to fall off, i.e. where it balanced. Seems to give similar numbers to specs.


Interesting how we use different formulas to get to the same result
Because torque (hence balance point calculations) is a relative measurement [edit: wrt some fixed pivot], the origin point for these computations is essentially arbitrary: results will all be the same (with respect to the defined origin point).

In aircraft loading, that point is called named 'body station zero' and is usually a point at the tip of the nose of the aircraft structure, or, more commonly, some distance in front of the nose, since assigning this point ahead of the physical aircraft reduces the chance that one will need to include a negative moment in the computations.

Just 411.

example page on aircraft (F14 Tomcat) loading here.
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