Hall of Fame
This is utterly confusing to the point, when i think i'm completely losing my mind here! So we all know there was a couple of serious venue switches going on during 00's decade alone on several occassions, up until 2009 there were masters played in Hamburg and Madrid was played on different date during fall season in indoors conditions, instead of on clay during Spring campaign! But as soon as Hamburg was eliminated year later Madrid indoors was moved to clay and ever since occupy the same masters slot, that Hamburg did before, while Shanghai (which earlier was Year-End Championships event) moved a couple of months back in the calendar and occupy the same slots that Madrid indoors event did prior to 2009, while YEC moved to London back then for the first time! The confusing part is how they keep tracking records for these past venues. For example ATP officially recognizes all of the Madrid masters title equally, despite moving to different surfaces and event changing the calendar slots, while Hamburg masters records are tracked separately independent of Madrid, that is currently played on clay! If that is the case, then it sholud be acknowledged that at one point in time there were 10 masters slots, instead of 9, because otherwise this doesn't make any sense (Djokovic would have to also win Hamburg in order to complete Golden Masters prior to 2009, which he missed out on!) and yet ATP acknowledges his Golden Masters status, despite Novak lacking title in Hamburg! Wouldn't that make more sense to consider Hamburg records and Madrid records as the same masters slot records, instead of counting all the Madrid indoors records (An event that was played on completely separate date in the calendar) together across all the venues and different dates in the calendar? It makes the whole thing messy and incosistent! If that was the case, then Nadal would have won "Shanghai" masters, because of his sole indoors title in Madrid prior to 2009 and Novak could have never achieved Golden Masters, because of missed opportunities in Hamburg prior to 2009! And Federer would be masters leader in Hamburg/Madrid (Clay) woith 6 titles ahead of Rafa's 5! Let's talk about this a little...