
New User
Hi all, new to tennis started about 2 months ago and recently started group lessons. I have a slinger machine and try to practice a few times a week, I have two HEAD GEO Speed Graphite Tennis Rackets in one is size 3 the other is size 4.

I want to buy a better racket once my strokes improve but can't decide on which grip to move forward with.

Once I do pick a grip I'm think about a Wilson clash pro tour 100 with poly string at 50lbs as I don't want to restring often. (restringing is not easy to find in London)

Male, aged 30yo

TW Staff

Hi all, new to tennis started about 2 months ago and recently started group lessons. I have a slinger machine and try to practice a few times a week, I have two HEAD GEO Speed Graphite Tennis Rackets in one is size 3 the other is size 4.

I want to buy a better racket once my strokes improve but can't decide on which grip to move forward with.

Once I do pick a grip I'm think about a Wilson clash pro tour 100 with poly string at 50lbs as I don't want to restring often. (restringing is not easy to find in London)

Male, aged 30yo

I'll take a crack at answering this one :) While I wish there were an easy answer here, I think you just have to keep leaning into what feels "best" to you! But also wanted to share with you a podcast we did on small grips in case some of these benefits might be appealing to you (essentially some players find easier spin and wrist rotation):

I personally prefer a larger grip as I've had wrist injuries in the past and find my wrist does better when the grip is larger rather than smaller.

Also have to add, you can easily build a grip up but it is much tougher to take it down! And some players have found some brands grips to "feel" larger than other brands so you could experience that if you are going from Head to Wilson or some of the other brands.

Hope that helps a little,
Michelle, TW


New User
Thanks Michelle, that was helpful and the podcast was very informative.

I had an hour practice session today morning and found that for my forehand i was comfortable with a 3 while for back-hand (one handed) 4 felt better. I am leaning towards 3 with an overgrip and will work on my backhand with the 3.

Given your experience do you think the following set up is reasobale for a Wilson Clash Pro Tour 100: poly strings at 50lbs?
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TW Staff

Thanks Michelle, that was helpful and the podcast was very informative.

I an hour practice session today morning and found that for my forehand i was comfortable with a 3 while for back-hand (one handed) 4 felt better. I am leaning towards 3 with an overgrip and to work on my backhand with the 3.

Given your experience do you think the following set up is reasobale for a Wilson Clash Pro Tour 100: poly strings at 50lbs?

Awesome, sounds like you are figuring out what works for you! :)

Yes, sounds like a great combo; which poly are you leaning toward?

Michelle, TW


New User
From what I've read so far the Yonex Poly Tour Pro but will do some more research over the weekend. I want something that gives good control and comfort but is durable

Do you have any recommendations ?
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