Capping microgel radical mp?


Hey guys ive been using the search button trying to find which of the cap grommets of the prestige mp grommet sets would fit a microgel radical mp.. and it seems like only the old versions of prestige cap grommet will fit (though some claim that the graphene series prestige cap grommet fits).. however living in australia the amount of grommet sets available are very limited..

And currently in australia the only prestige cap grommets available are for the graphene touch prestige mp... which has 18x20 pattern.. however i am not sure whether or not these will fit the radical microgel mp.. can anyone please confirm if these cap grommets will fit my radical mp microgel? Thanks in advance


Hey guys ive been using the search button trying to find which of the cap grommets of the prestige mp grommet sets would fit a microgel radical mp.. and it seems like only the old versions of prestige cap grommet will fit (though some claim that the graphene series prestige cap grommet fits).. however living in australia the amount of grommet sets available are very limited..

And currently in australia the only prestige cap grommets available are for the graphene touch prestige mp... which has 18x20 pattern.. however i am not sure whether or not these will fit the radical microgel mp.. can anyone please confirm if these cap grommets will fit my radical mp microgel? Thanks in advance
See my answer in your other post for TW staff...


hey man!! thanks.. that's the answer i needed.. currently in australia only the TK293 is available.. but you can confirm this will fit right? so i can just get these :)... thanks very much for the help mate
Yes, same head size and string pattern