Only broken four times and faced I think break points in only eight service games out of 81 service games. For someone with a best an average serve this is a wild stat.
Throughout his short career*, he’s had multiple runs where he’s been dominant even while not possessing a dominant serve or one that even gives him free points relative to what the top 50 gets off of theirs, respectively. This reminds me of what Nadal has been able to do with the serve that doesn’t really give him any free points. The other control that he’s been in on Hardcourts this year has been amazing to watch.
*Not a pun
Throughout his short career*, he’s had multiple runs where he’s been dominant even while not possessing a dominant serve or one that even gives him free points relative to what the top 50 gets off of theirs, respectively. This reminds me of what Nadal has been able to do with the serve that doesn’t really give him any free points. The other control that he’s been in on Hardcourts this year has been amazing to watch.
*Not a pun