Carlos Alcatraz pure aero vs setup

Does anybody know Carlos Alcarazs pure aero vs pro stock specs?
Hey, I'm super interested too. I love the Pure Aero VS. Not to contradict you, but I'm pretty sure that Babolat doesn't produce pro stocks. That said, I'm sure it's customized to match his desired spec. As some have previously thought he plays just stock with no customization, I think that would be pretty nuts. I'd love to know his end weight, balance, and swing weight. Cheers.


Hall of Fame
Hey, I'm super interested too. I love the Pure Aero VS. Not to contradict you, but I'm pretty sure that Babolat doesn't produce pro stocks. That said, I'm sure it's customized to match his desired spec. As some have previously thought he plays just stock with no customization, I think that would be pretty nuts. I'd love to know his end weight, balance, and swing weight. Cheers.
Of course Babolat produces pro stocks, ie Rafa's racket.
Of course Babolat produces pro stocks, ie Rafa's racket.
Rafa's racquet is just the original/first generation aero pro drive (or whatever it was labeled as back then) that they still produce for him. He's tinkered with weight over the years, but it's the same retail racquet that Babolat produced years ago and still produces for him at his request.
However, there are those mysterious low number examples - think there was a 54ra Pure Drive which reportedly belonged to Fognini, surprisingly not broken as well - that show up on pro stock sites from time to time; those stringing elves must have to work their little a$$es off.


Or maybe is 315 balance, which is the stock version one, 324 sw, and 330gr weight ( 305+15 strings + 5 overgrip), 5 grams will be missing though, 2 overgrips maybe?
Sure 315 SW strung does not make sense, if we are talking strung specs and unmodified, as the stock version is higher.


My stock VS with strings, overgrip measured at 327gr, 32.1cm, I don't remember the exact sw, but it was over 320. So this posted spec doesn't make sense. My current spec is 334gr, 33cm, 341sw. Just added bunch of lead to 12.