cat preventing me from volleying


Hall of Fame
I normally practice volleys/half volleys against the back wall of my house. However, recently a cat (or cats) has been pooping in my yard. I have to scoop the poop off everyday before volleying, and I hate doing that. Why can't it poop in it's owners yard :twisted:?

anyway, how I can deter the cat(s) from comming into my yard? any natural repellents or 'scarecats' available? :)

Fearsome Forehand

Shotgun? Pit Bull? Land Mine? ;o)

House cats hate getting wet. Spray it with a garden hose the next time the offending feline ventures onto your lawn.

People who allow their pets to roam without supervision are sort of obnoxious. Maybe you should take the garden hose to the cat's owner. ;o) People who take their dogs for a walk only to let them poop on someone's lawn are of the same ilk. Jerks! A lawn sprinkler system tied to a motion detector or a remote control seems like a good idea.

A la Frost, fences (or walls) make good neighbors. ;o)
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Walk towards it. Usually, that's enough to scare it off. Or just do something that will make it want to never step onto your property again. I'll leave the last part to creativity and a resounding feeling that no matter what, you'll end up in hell, so have fun with it!

Mike Bulgakov

If you do not want to keep vials of bear or wolf urine in your refrigerator, or own a bear or wolf, a motion activated sprinkler is an effective solution.