CBS interview with Ron Yu and Roman Prokes


Hall of Fame


Sorry, the stringers at the Open weren’t “just local stringers,” it’s an elite group of stringers from around the world. They all go through stringent training and have be vetted.
How was your experience? I didn’t keep up with your thread

ron schaap

Hall of Fame
It was insane. The amount of frames coming everyday was out of this world. I’ll update the thread soon (finally starting to feel normal).
I m interested why nadal always wants those on court stringing jobs? Why doesnt he bring 20 freshly strung apd's to the court, so you guys dont have this overly stress?


He probably wants to be able to get them freshly strung as close to the match and even during the match..

Al Czervik

Hall of Fame
Ron (as well as Nate) seem awesome. And I think one of them even responded to this in a thread on here -- but, I have to say that I might rather have my racquets done by some of these higher tech machines than the bucket of bolts they carry around. But, I understand that you're probably getting more day-to-day consistency with the same machine doing your racquets all the time.


but, I have to say that I might rather have my racquets done by some of these higher tech machines than the bucket of bolts they carry around

What is your reasoning here? I don't know what advancement in stringing from the Star 4 to the Babolat Racquet Station could have invalidated their machines. If anything, it just shows me that you don't have to own or use the latest greatest to produce quality (or even world class) work and that stringing isn't that advanced; i.e. it ain't rocket science.


What is your reasoning here? I don't know what advancement in stringing from the Star 4 to the Babolat Racquet Station could have invalidated their machines. If anything, it just shows me that you don't have to own or use the latest greatest to produce quality (or even world class) work and that stringing isn't that advanced; i.e. it ain't rocket science.

Same reason the POG is still a viable racquet choice in 2019.