Changing Grip Shape of Prince 93P


New User

I recently purchased a Prince Phantom 93P and love the frame. Solid on all fronts. (I’ve been playing with a lineage of Wilson Pro Staffs and Babolat Pure Storms for the past 8 years.)

However, I really dislike the shape of the Prince grip. It’s far too rounded and circular for my taste. I hit with a semi SW forehand and one-handed BH and I’m having trouble finding the small bevels to secure proper hand placement with this racquet, especially on defense or volleys when a quick grip change is required. All the bevels are almost the same width on this frame.

So I’d like to modify the grip shape to make it more rectangular like the Wilsons and Babs that I am accustomed to. On these boards, I’ve read about applying balsa wood, athletic tape, or drywall tape, etc. to modify grip shape. Any other suggestions?

Also, assuming the following orientation, on what bevels should the material be applied to make the shape more rectangular?


Thanks very much for any and all input!
Thinking the same thing! I've modified a bunch of racquet handles, first with a shrink wrap (easy), then sheet plastic (heavy), then BaLsa wood. I like balsa personally, since it's easy to cut, and adds the least amount of weight. the easiest way to elongate your handle would be to add a strip at 1 & 5. but I think the best way to do it while keeping the grip shape normal would be to add at 8, 1, and 2, then at 4, 5, and 6, basically leaving 3 and 7 bare. you should probably be able to find thin balsa at a craft or hardware store. I think I was able to find 1/32". I use scotch double sided tape to stick it on. If I end up doing one of these elongation conversions, I'll post it here. And if your handle ends up too big after all this, consider using just a thick overgrip instead of a standard cushioned grip. I did that once and it has just enough "give" with the balsa it feels a lot like a leather grip.


Just change to Head Prestige. Problem solved. Head's pallet system is something that all racket makers should have. Grip is very important. For the reasons you describe, I myself can only use Head, Technifibre, and Dunlop. Yonex, Wilson, and Babolat all seem to have relatively square grip shape and it is hard for me to know where the head is. Messing with the grip shape is tough and it would be nearly impossible to have your set of rackets with matching grips.


Assume all Prince grips are like this? I have mainly used Wilson and Babolat at times. I think Head grips have always been more rectangular in shape than all other brands.

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Just change to Head Prestige. Problem solved. Head's pallet system is something that all racket makers should have. Grip is very important. Messing with the grip shape is tough and it would be nearly impossible to have your set of rackets with matching grips.

It’s not that hard. Try it. If it’s too hard, try putting tape on the top and bottom. You already own the racquet. Switching to another one someone else prefers doesn’t seem like the solution you’re looking for anyway.

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Ultra 2

Assume all Prince grips are like this? I have mainly used Wilson and Babolat at times. I think Head grips have always been more rectangular in shape than all other brands.

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Prince’s grip has always been somewhat square, and Head’s are more rectangular. People have their own favorite but I am able to interchange between both.


Hall of Fame
Just change to Head Prestige. Problem solved. Head's pallet system is something that all racket makers should have. Grip is very important. For the reasons you describe, I myself can only use Head, Technifibre, and Dunlop. Yonex, Wilson, and Babolat all seem to have relatively square grip shape and it is hard for me to know where the head is. Messing with the grip shape is tough and it would be nearly impossible to have your set of rackets with matching grips.

Not sure that changing to another brand / racquet is the solution. Might solve for the grip shape, but create other adaptation issues with frame shape (round vs. long). But I do agree that every manufacturer should have the same pallet system as Head. Instead of investing large amounts of $ to market marginal improvements to frame construction / material, they should invest in an improvement that everyone can objectively feel, i.e. a grip shape that fit their individual preference.


New User
Just put some Wilson buttcaps on the prince 93p. Problem solved, paint them black if you want it to blend. You just need the right staple gun. Unless you mean the actual handle isnt as sharp as you would like. Then idk
Just change to Head Prestige. Problem solved. Head's pallet system is something that all racket makers should have. Grip is very important. For the reasons you describe, I myself can only use Head, Technifibre, and Dunlop. Yonex, Wilson, and Babolat all seem to have relatively square grip shape and it is hard for me to know where the head is. Messing with the grip shape is tough and it would be nearly impossible to have your set of rackets with matching grips.
Head Speed 360 MP and Pro - and apparently the new Radicals - have a much more rounded grip shape; looks like Head is now trying to blend in with the majority of racquet manufacturers grip wise, much to the chagrin of those who are accustomed to the more rectangular shape. (Thiem apparently has his Babolat handles custom molded to something much more Head like; assuming this is an expensive solution?)


You can easily change out the pallets to whichever kind of shape or size you prefer. It is a matter of getting the right pallets including the newer less rectangular types. I have done that many times now. If something happens to your pallets, you just order new ones and replace them in about 10 min. If you are used to this, and when you open up Babolats, Yonex, or others, you realize how cheaply they are made especially vs old Head i.Prestige rackets made in Austria. i.Prestiges look like pro stock rackets.

Recently, I found an old POG Longbody in my closet and I am not sure how I played with it before. I started out playing tennis with eastern grip and it just migrates from semi-western (my preferred grip now) gradually to that grip if I don't pay attention. I don't have such a problem with more rectangular grip. It also helps with volley as well.

I wish there were more choices on this (grip shape as well as longer rackets). Personally, I think the Head pallets system and CAP grommets are two of the best ideas ever in racket design.

Back to the original question on this, I have tried playing with various tapes or alike, but I have not found a satisfactory solution. A leather grip might help you feel the bevels better but still it won't help you much on feeling exactly where the head is. I would think if you were fine with Wilson or Babolat, you might get used to Prince. You might try some combination of tapes and a Wilson butt cap.


Hall of Fame
I hate prince gripshape too, and yonex also is rounded. I put a layer of cloth tape on the top bevels 8,1,2 and bottom 4,5,6. Even one layer makes a difference and can make it bearable, though i try to get L2 size if i need to do more.
I just bought a 4 3/8 sized Tour 100 demo on sale, and I need to up the grip size. I have bought several demo on the cheap, so I have some experience with sizing up grips.

I have been wavering between my traditional 4 5/8 and going down to 4 1/2. So for this one, I think I’ll try the method I recommended, and just add strips of Balsa at 8,1,2 and 4,5,6, and post pics of the process here. Hopefully it will bring the size up to a more elongated 4 1/2 or 4 5/8 if I go with thicker balsa and a more elongated shape.

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????? Bevels are pretty sharp from the factory. I don’t think you can get them sharper with sanding. Most people would only soften them if they tried sanding.

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I realize I never posted pics of the balsa handle mod. @Warren Are you still trying to make this happen?

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Amazes me people can't adapt. You are supposed to be gripping the racket loosely anyway. Are you guys squeezing them like a you are choking a snake?

I can easily switch between a Babolat, Wilson and Prince without noticing a thing. As long as it has 8 bevels I'm good.