Pat Dougherty, aka The Serve Doctor, is a big advocate of chest up. Watch Mac and Fed serve below and you'll see their chest is facing up when their toss arm is fully extended upward. From there, the hitting motion is very much across the chest as they swing up. Also, notice how the shoulders are tilted at contact and the hitting arm is really just a little above the "shoulder thru shoulder" angle. In other words, they aren't forcing the hitting arm to go straight up from the hitting shoulder. It almost looks like a sidearm throwing motion. OK, the hitting arm is slightly above the shoulder angle so it isn't a pure side arm motion but it's close. I think this helps with power, consistency and health as you are using the chest muscles as well as the shoulders and you are not pinching the rotator cuff by forcing the arm up in a steep angle relative to the shoulders. Mac is an old man in the video and he's still getting into this good position. I've seen video of him when he was younger and he leans back even more, at times looking like he defies gravity with his knee bend. Obviously, you want to get the chest up with a bend from the knees and not an extreme arch of the back. Thoughts? Agree or disagree?