Classic Grunting/Hindrance Scenario


Talk Tennis Guru
Playing adjacent to 2 guys playing a singles match. Looked like an even matchup wth some good, longer rallies [unlike my match where typical rallies are about 2-3 shots]. I thought it was just 2 friends playing a set; I didn't realize until later it was a league match [Flex?].

Some ways into it, D [Mr. Distracted] started getting annoyed at G [Mr. Grunter] for his kind of loud grunts, especially, according to D, on critical points.

I could clearly hear the grunts from the other court even if he was on the far side. I can block almost anything out so I took no notice.

Suddenly, Vesuvius erupts: "You can't grunt like this [proceeds to mimic G with a particularly loud and extended grunt]."

G counters: "No way was it that loud. I'm not doing it on purpose. <D accused him of that>. Nadal does it!"

They keep yelling at each other with D giving more helpful examples of G's transgressions when G declares he's not playing anymore.

Two grown men yelling at each other over a recreational game. No wonder tennis players get a bad rap among other sports. My buddy and I just roll our eyes and keep playing.

To be fair, G didn't appear like he was doing it for gamesmanship. But you'd never convince D of that.

The only upside was that I was down 2-5 and ended up coming back to win 7-6 [5]. :rolleyes:


A healthy, grown man playing a rec game shouldn't be grunting AT ALL.
Typically I see grunting only at high 4.5 or 5.0/5.5 matches at my club - all the former pros and Div 1 college players seem to grunt. Those players usually were top juniors and picked up the habit as kids plus they hit pretty hard.

In my case, I don’t grunt in matches except on very occasional higher-pace winners. But, I hit/serve harder in practice drills and on the days that I feel that I’m in good flow and hitting harder, I involuntarily start grunting. For me, that is usually a sign that I’m playing better than my usual level and I am waiting in suspense and likely in vain for the days that I will grunt more during matches!

kevin qmto

Hall of Fame
I also despise loud grunters, but I’ve yet to actually blow up about it. I usually just am even more motivated to win to shut their stupid mouths up lol.
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Grunting has no place whatsoever in tennis-I’ve told opponents this as it’s happened to me. Got into arguments about this/walked off court-said I win by forfeit-needless to say I’m no longer playing. Had enough of this tennis ****-10 years and time to get rid of ugly dad bod/watch sports


Was hitting with a buddy at the club the other day, and there are 4 ladies on the court next to us playing dubs. Maybe late 50's early 60's, 3.0 / 3.5 level.
One of them was grunting after each and every shot. A loud, single barrel, lowish pitch grunt, al la Muguruza. After every... single... shot.
Initially it was irritating but then became kind of amusing.
I felt like saying to her, lady, no offense, but your grunt creates an expectation that your tennis does not deliver on.


Not what I was hoping for, like a long continuous string of just grunts and not the whole points, but there you are. YouTube delivers at some level at least :D

and so
A healthy, grown man playing a rec game shouldn't be grunting AT ALL.
Disagree. I learned expulsion of air on my way to a Black Belt. Comes out naturally when I am in my flow-state when playing. So between training and the natural outcome of a highly-focused performing state, I grunt. Now, I don't moan as if my fenders were about to fall off - so to your point about a "healthy" man not "grunting", OK... ;)


At my club, the higher the level of play on a court, the louder the grunts are. When the coaches or ex-college players are playing competitively, you can hear them from the next row of courts. Also when we host USTA leagues, I can tell if it is 4.5+, 9.0 etc. just by the decibels. As you get closer, obviously the sound of the ball contact especially on serves sounds totally different also compared to lower levels.

I personally don’t grunt much in match play, but sometimes find myself doing it completely unconsciously when I’m going all-out in practice drills including when I’m practicing flat serves. So, I do think it is tougher to be completely quiet the harder you are trying to hit the ball and it is hard to meet any 5.0+ players who don’t grunt at all.
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Two grown men yelling at each other over a recreational game. No wonder tennis players get a bad rap among other sports. My buddy and I just roll our eyes and keep playing.

Because being separated by a net means no one ever got their *** kicked for douchey stuff like this. Kind of like basketball players who never played in the playground and think tripping is a good defensive move. Do that once on a playground and you get knocked into next week. Play in gyms with refs your whole life, all you get is called for fouls and never learn the lesson.