Clay courts in Buenos Aires


Hall of Fame
Was just fooling around with Google Earth for a few minutes. Looked at Roland Garros, Wimbledon, Indian Wells, and my own home courts. Then I took a look at Buenos Aires. There must be a hundred clay courts along the waterfront of Rio de la Plata. No wonder those guys are so good on the red dirt! Maybe about ten hard courts in total, but the clay courts seem to be on every street.


LOL. It's true. :)
But believe me, there are much more than just 10 hardcourts in Buenos Aires. And that is just outdoors. I've played in several indoors hardcourts there ;)


Hall of Fame
Andres, they open to the general public? The clay courts? We get there about once a year (to visit the wife's family). Maybe I should bring some rackets next time?


Depends on WHERE. Some courts along the Rio de la Plata, are from private clubs, and you got to be a member to use them, but the rest of them are open to the public... you call them, reserve them for a specific day and time, and you play, and then, you pay for the hour. In american dollar, the prices are from 4 dollars an hour up to 12 bucks an hour.

If you want to, I can give you some addresses of some cool and cheaper courts (the most expensive ones are that expensive because of the location, not because of the court itself ;) )


Hall of Fame
courts in BS AS

ok, here is a "little" list with the tennis clubs in Bs. As:

-Megatlon - Humahuaca 3850 - 4862-3397 / 4862-7925
-Tenetz - Palestina (ex Rawson) 555

-Club Belgrano - Arribeños 1721- Capital - 4784-7842 / 4784-8180 -
-Sucre Tenis - Sucre 1045 - Belgrano - 4785-9930
-Belgrano Tenis - Av. Comodoro Rivadavia 1350 (Alt. Av. Libertador 7900) - 4704-0572

-Eleache Tenis - Formosa 168 - 4902-6994
-Doblas Tenis - Doblas 1043 - 4921-7599

Megatlon - Pasco 48 - 4952-3830 / 4951-3584

-Franco Tenis - Franco 2259 - 4572-7652

-Aruba Tenis - Bogotá 2555 - 4637-4493

-Salguero Tenis - Salguero 3350 - 482-2930
-Teacher's Tenis - F. Alcorta 7101 - 4788-6135
-De la Peña Tenis - F. Alcorta 5575 - 4576-0700 / 0702

San Cristóbal
-Solis Cano (bajo Autopista) - Solis 1252 - 4305-1157/58

Vicente López
-Club Banco Nación - Zufriategui 1251 - 4797-4780/7142
-Robby Cozzy - Melo 2871 - 4730-1010/3060
-Intertennis - Madero 1699 - Vte. López - 4796-9388/4796-9458 -

-Match Point - Vergara 2905 - 4459-4000 4459-4377

San Isidro
-Pro Tennis Squash - Roque Saenz Peña 1199 - San Isidro - 4742-0250/5511 -

Ramos Mejía
-Club San Marino - Gaona 4263 - 4657-5913
-Bomberos Voluntarios de la Matanza - Gral. Acha 131 - 4657-1458

Acassuso Tenis - Av. del Libertador 14592 - 4792-6162 / 4362

-Altolaguirre Tenis - Altolaguirre 1848 - Capital - 4521-0957, 4523-2991
-Punta Carrasco - Costanera Norte y Av. Sarmiento - Capital - 4807-1010
-Magic Center Club - Dorrego 2880 (y Luis M, Campos) Capital - 4772-3016/18/19
-Carminatti Tennis Center - Figueroa Alcorta 7250 - Capital - 4788-3533
-La Casona de Versailles - Ruiz De Los Llanos 1455 - Capital - 4641-9204

La Lucila
North Tennis - Av. del Libertador 3462 - La Lucila - 4799-0787 -

Adrogué Tenis Club - Sánchez y Macías 1846 Adrogué 4214-0190 Fax: 4293-0524
Almirante Brown de San Justo - I. Rucci y Seguí 1765 I. Casanova 4486-9862
Argentino Juniors - Punta Arenas 1271 1427 Cap. Fed. 4551-8192/ 6887 F: 4552-5603
Arquitectura - Av. F. Beiró 2116 / 2200 1419 Cap. Fed. Telefax : 4523-7306
Asoc. Empleados Banco Ciudad de Bs As - E.Madero 1599 1638 Vte. López Telefax : 4791-2132 4796-4334
Asociación Alemana Cultura Física Quilmes - H. Irigoyen 1400 1878 Quilmes 4253-1245 4257-4064
Asociación Cristiana de Jovenes - Av. Lafuente 2480 1437 Cap. Fed. 4918-3244
Asociación Deportes Racionales - Olleros 1515 1426 Cap. Fed. 4772-1296 4777-6069
Asociación Fomento L. Palomar (AFALP) - Alas Argentinas 650 1684 El Palomar Telefax :4751-5069 / 8670
Asociación Los Cedros - Ruta 202 esq. El Centinela
Ateneo Felix Marino - Habana 4598 - 1419 Cap. Fed. 4501-3839/5061
Ateneo Parroquial de Rafael Calzada - Murature 3657 1847 R. Calzada 4291-0704 4298-2807
Atlético Banfield - Ruta Prov. 4 y Máxer 1838 Luis Guillón 4272-8616/17
Atlético Bernal - Labardén 215/27 1876 Bernal B. Pque. 4252-8930 4259-2718 251-0868
Atlético Defensores de Moreno - Av Victorica 400 1744 Moreno Telefax: 0237-4620491
Atlético Ducilo - Calle 5 y 151 (Bolivar y Pasteur) 1884 Berazategui 4226-1364 4256-9596 256-9951
Atlético Lanús - Arias y Guidi 1824 Lanús 4225-1201 4240-5947
Atlético Lomas - Arenales 663 1832 L. De Zamora Telefax : 4244-0155
Atlético Los Andes - F. Portela 1630 1832 L. De Zamora 4243-2989 4282-8504 4292-4805 here i play ussually (1 day a week)
Atlético Monte Grande - Arana 750 1842 Monte Grande 4290-1906 4290-4311
Atlético San Lorenzo de Almagro - Av F. De la Cruz 2403 1250 Cap. Fed. 4918-3291/0665/0667 Fax 4922-700
Atlético Sefaradi Argentino - Av. Libertador 77 1638 Vte. López 4797-9922 Fax: 4791-9440
Atlético Temperley - 9 de julio 310 1834 Temperley Telefax:4231-5076
Atlético y Social Bella Vista - Entre Ríos 851 1661 Bella Vista 4666-1424 / 5446 Fax: 4666-1424
Banco Nación Argentina - Zufriategui 1251 1638 V. López 4797-7142 4791-7440 791-8700
Banco Nacional de Desarrollo - H. Irigoyen 1290 1640 Martínez Telefax:4798-3289 Fax: 4792-2959
Banco Provincia de Buenos Aires - H. Irigoyen 803 1638 V. López 4791-0832 4797-0569 797-4872
Barragan T.C. - Barragan 317 1480 Cap. Fed. 4644-0704 4642-8084
Belgrano Athletic Club - Virrey Del Pino 3456 1426 Cap. Fed. 4552-2094/2259/2097 Fax int 110
Bell Tenis Club - 31 y Cantilo 1896 City Bell 0221-4751770/02214
Biblioteca Mariano Moreno - Padre Fahy y esq. San Luis 1744 Moreno 0237-4625522 462-2024
Bomberos Voluntarios - La Matanza Gral. Acha 131 1704 Ramos Mejía 4657-1458 4654-1578
Buenos Aires Lawn Tennis Club - Olleros 1510 1426 Cap. Fed. 4772-9227 4772-0983 here takes place the BS AS ATP CUP
Buenos Aires Rowing Club - Gral. Bmé. Mitre 226 1648 Tigre 4749-0096 4749-0046
C. Ciudad de Campana - Chiclana 209 2804 Campana 03489-422881/423459
C.E.E.T - Calle 517 esq. 10 - 1900 La Plata 0221-4717508
Campana Boat Club - Rivera del Rio Parana margen derecha 2804 Campana 03489-420036
Canottieri Italiani - Gral. Bmé. Mitre 74 1648 Tigre 4749-0084 / 5342 Fax:4731-0685
Castelli Tenis - Castelli 371 1704 Ramos Mejia 4656-6172
Ceasar's Tenis - Av. Mitre 833 1602 Florida 4761-1420
Centro Asturiano de Buenos Aires - Av Libertador 1081 1636 Vte. López 4795-1743 4791-8295
Centro Galicia Buenos Aires - Av.Libertador 2925 1636 Olivos 4751-3817/4758 4794-7953
Centro Graduados Liceo Naval - Int Cantilo y Udaondo 1429 Cap. Fed. 4701-4903 795-5518 703-4075
Centro Naval - Libertador y Malaver 1636 Olivos 4796-5737/2930/15
Centro Recreativo C.R.E.C.A. - Colón 450 1834 Temperley 4243-5502
Círculo de Oficiales Prefectura Naval Arg. - Pelliza y Rivera 1636 Olivos 4790-5741
Círculo de Suboficiales Fuerzas Armadas - Figuer. Alc.7101/ corresp. Tacuarí 946 1071 Cap. Fed. 4782-8311 4786-4546
Circulo Gral. Belgrano - El Leñatero 1889 Circ. 1ª y Secc.1ª 1778 Cdad. Evita 4620-5611 4924-9963
Círculo Militar - Av Libertador 2100 y Villate 1636 Olivos 4799-9962 / 5015 / 6892 Fax: int 4141
Círculo Trovador - Av Libertador 1031 1638 Vte. López 4796-1464 Fax: 4797-3022
Círculo Villa Devoto - P. Morán 4151 1419 Cap. Fed. 4501-0501
Club Atlético San Isidro (CASI) - R. S. Peña 499 1642 San Isidro 4743-0168/4242/4126 Fax: int 4
Club Belgrano - Arribeños 1721 1426 Cap. Fed. Telefax: 4784-8180 4784-7842
Club Ciudad de Buenos Aires - Libertador 7501 1429 Cap. Fed. 4703-0222 4701-3002 703-1965
Club Morón - B. Irigoyen 139 1712 Castelar 4629-9723 4627-6377 483-3999
Club Universitario de Buenos Aires (CUBA) - B. Roldán 4950 1426 Cap. Fed. 4375-4366/60/68
Comercio - Av.Libertador 7199 1429 Cap.Fed. 4701-5620 Fax: 702-8297
Comunicaciones - Av San Martín 5125 1419 Cap. Fed. 4502-9397/9493 4502-1095
Country Club Banco Provincia - Almafuerte y Gorriti 1746 Moreno 0237-4830836/777
Country Club Banfield - Belgrano 1783 1828 Banfield 4242-0584 / 4248-6534
Country Club El Sosiego - Sgto. Cabral 4581 1842 E. Echeverría 4963-1010
Country Club Longchamps - Irigoyen 17000 y Arce 1854 Longchamps 4233-3451
Country Club Valentín Alsina - J. I. Rucci 1449 1822 V. Alsina 4208-1308 f:4209-7010
Country Club Venado II - Esc. Vazquez y Fierro 1804 Ezeiza 4855-2118


Hall of Fame
and a few more...

D.A.O.M. - Varela 1802 1406 Cap. Fed. 4633-2583 4631-5841
Darling T.C. - Brasil 50 1063 Cap. Fed. 4362-3818 4361-0652
Davis T.C. - Av.Directorio 1629 1406 Cap. Fed. 4433-2020 4432-1537 i play here sometimes
Del Personal del Banco Central - B.S. Mer y Oroz Arena 1768 V. Madero 4622-8440 4622-9090
Del Personal del Banco Hipotecario Nacio. - Roosevelt y B.Encala. 1772 V. Celina 4442-7555 4462-1682
Deportes Discobolo - El Ceibo 378 1706 Haedo 4443-8946/ 4443-9403
Deportivo Bartolome Mitre - Av.Colectora Gral.Paz 2702 1650 Miguelete-San Martin 4755-3627 4713-3845/0781
Deportivo Español - Fernández 2100 1407 Cap. Fed. 4612-8111
Deportivo San Andrés - Int. Casares 50 1651 San Andrés 4768-8927 4768-3730
El Carmen S.A. - Calle 73 y 129 1890 Gutierrez 0229-440030/32
El Chasqui - Andrade y Hernández 1617 G. Pacheco 4740-2474 Fax: 4740-6406
El Jagüel - L. Caro y De los baqueanos 1712 V. Udaondo 4621-9926
El Plata T.C. - C. Pellegrini 2665 1640 Martínez 4792-5334
Estudiantes de la Plata - Calle 1 e/55 y 56 1900 La Plata 0221-4211885/4255716
Estudiantil Porteño - Cnel. Barcala 716 1704 Ramos Mejía 4658-6802/7315
Ferrocarril General San Martín - L. De Vega y Colón 1674 Saénz Peña 4757-0103
Ferrocarril Oeste - F. García Lorca 350 1405 Cap. Fed. 4431-8282/6673 Fax: 4431-4494
Florida T.C. - Urquiza 2501 1602 Florida 4797-1106 4796-1517
Gazcón LTC - Berutti 640 1828 Banfield telefax: 4242-9003
General Paz Tenis - Saladillo 2051 1440 Capital Federal 4686-4535/4654
Gimnasia y Esgrima de Bs.As. - F.Alcorta 5575 1426 Cap. Fed. 4799-5980
Gimnasia y Esgrima de Ituzaingó - Pirán 450 1714 Ituzaingó 4624-0243
Gimnasia y Esgrima de La Plata - Calle 60 y 118 1900 La Plata 0221-4222510/4234954
Gimnasia y Esgrima de Villa del Parque - Tinogasta 3455 1417 Cap. Fed. 4501-2438 4502-7947
Guesher - Av.Martin Rodriguez 751 1828 Banfield 4372-7525 Fax: 4372-2800
Harrod's Gath y Chaves - V. Del Pino 1502 1426 Cap. Fed. 784-6408
Hindú Club - Ruta 202 y Arricau 1611 Don Torcuato Telefax: 4741-6150/57
Hurlingham Club - Av. Julio A. Roca 1411 1686 Hurlingham 4662-5510
IMOS - Av. Comodoro Rivadavia 1350 1429 Cap. Fed. 4702-2409/8299
Independiente - Alsina 1058 1870 Avellaneda 4201-5544/1875 Fax: 4201-0020
Italiano - Riestra 2770 1437 Cap. Fed. 4633-1330 4632-7692
Jockey Club Argentino - Av. Marquez 2300 1642 San Isidro 4743-2034
Las Cabañas - Teresa Bisso y Alsina 1714 Ituzaingo 4621-3928
Los Cooperarios - Andrade 3025 1878 Quilmes Telefax: 4200-2268
Los Lagartos Country Club - Panam. R Pilar KM 45 1629 Pilar 02322-471306 471339/471620
Los Nogales T.C. - Kennedy e/ Frias y Mendocina 43 1663 San Miguel
Luján T.C. - Parque San Martin y Ruta 7 6700 Luján 02323-421688 434427 425486
Martinez T.S. - Caracas 1723 1640 Martinez 4836-0701
Merlo T.C. - Pringles 925 1722 Merlo 0220-4840178/825979
Nahuel Rowing - Lavalle 235 1648 Tigre 4749-0387
Náutico El Timón - Av Flandes s/n 6706 Jáuregui 02323-497268
Náutico Hacoaj - Luis García 943 y Montevideo 1648 Tigre 4749-0520 4749-1770 Fax:4749-4693
Náutico Quilmes - Cervantes y Otamendi 1878 Quilmes 4253-0146
Náutico San Isidro - Av Mitre 1999 1642 San Isidro 4732-0600 Fax:4732-0660
Obras Sanitarias - Av Libertador 7395 1429 Cap. Fed. 4702-9467 4702-4655
Olivos Tenis Club - Salta 2753 1636 Olivos 4794-9374 Fax:4790-7044
Organización Hebrea Macabi - Defensa y Sgto.Cabral 1663 San Miguel 4455-7000 4961-0449 4455-6146
Paraiso T.C. - Divisoria y Estrada 1834 Temperley 4294-2932 i play here in hardcourt
Platense - Zufriategui y España 1638 V. López 4797-6390 4791-4748 4795-3546
Porteño Athletic Club - Daniel Camusso 725 1748 Gral Rodriguez 0237-4840128
Quilmes Atlético Club - Guido y Paz 1878 Quilmes 4253-1014/3255
Quilmes Lawn Tenis - Libertad 776 1878 Quilmes 4257-2042 4253-3860
Racing Club - Cuyo 520 1870 Avellaneda 4201-2911 4222-5081/5781
Ramos Mejía LTC - E. Echeverría 361 1706 Ramos Mejía Telefax:4658-2966
Regatas de Avellaneda - Rosetti y Guifra 1870 Avellaneda Telefax:4201-7354 4201-7844
Regatas L'Aviron - Lavalle 677 1648 Tigre 4749-0322 Fax:4731-2924
River Plate - Av. F. Alcorta 7597 1428 Cap. Fed. 4788-1200 4788-1210 4787-4571
S.I.T.A.S. - G. Marconi 1225 1684 El Palomar 4751-7980 4751-6190 4758-0304
San Fernando - Sarmiento y Escalada 1646 San Fernando 4744-1466/0494 4746-7593
Social y Deportivo - Las Heras Libertad 5052 (ex 258) e/Lavalle y Gral Paz 1653 V. Ballester 4768-1230
Social Monte Grande - Dorrego 264 1842 Monte Grande 4296-9318
Social y Deportivo Merlo - Balbastro 2201 1722 Merlo 0220-4821362
Sociedad Alemana Gimnasia Los Polvorines - Ruta 197 Km 13,5 1636 Los Polvorines 663-2465 799-2499
Sociedad Alemana Gimnasia L. de Zamora - L M Drago y Arenales 1852 Burzaco 4299-2515
Sociedad Alemana Gimnasia Villa Ballester - 9 de Julio y Marquez 1655 J.L.Suarez 4769-0644 4769-0050
Sociedad Hebraica Argentina - Ruta 8 Km.50,800 1629 Pilar 02322-430700 4952-5886 4953-4117
Solana T.C. Asoc. Civil - Las Tacuaras 2975 1714 Ituzaingo 4481-5664 4621-9955 Fax:4481-5664
Sportivo Villa Ballester - Gral. Roca 223 1653 V. Ballester Telefax: 4768-0042
Teléfonos - Madero 1699 1638 V. López 4795-5787 4795-5788
Temperley L.T.C - Ituzaingó 251 1834 Temperley Telefax: 4244-0248/ 4244-0868
Teniludius - Alberdi 357 1722 Merlo 0220-4840298
Tenis Club Argentino - V. Alsina 4375-Pque 3 de febrero 1425 Cap. Fed. 4772-1744/9769
Tenis Club La Plata - Calle 41 y 154 1900 La Plata 0221-4706367
Tenis Court Monte Grande - Fernando de Toro 49 1842 Monte Grande 4296-1797
Tortugas Country Club - Acceso Norte Km 37 1167 Tortuguitas 02320-49263
Unión General Armenia - Armenia 1366 2ª p (ex Acevedo) 1706 Villa Sarmiento 4658-4591 4654-4727
Universitario de La Plata - Estación Gonnet 1900 La Plata (0221)484-7545 Fax0221)484-2883
Urquiza T.C. - Caracas 4935 1419 Cap. Fed. 4571-1563
Vélez Sarsfield - Av Juan B. Justo 9200 1408 Cap. Fed. 4642-0643/0673 4642-0692 4644-6271
Vilas Club Bosques de Palermo - V. Alsina s/n e.Olleros y J.Hernandez 1425 Capital Federal 4777-7500 Fax: 4777-7500
Villa del Tenis - Bolivia 2233 1406 Cap. Fed. 4585-0292 4581-2845
Village Tenis Club - la Peña 263 1846 Adrogue 4294-0318/4772


Hall of Fame
Whoa! Tell me you didn't spend the past two hours typing all that in. Good resource. Gonna print this one out for future reference. Thanks.

p.s. Ya got a list for Uruguay too? Other than Carrasco? My wife's parents live about 35 km north of Montevideo on Ruta 5.


Hall of Fame
simi said:
Whoa! Tell me you didn't spend the past two hours typing all that in. Good resource. Gonna print this one out for future reference. Thanks.

p.s. Ya got a list for Uruguay too? Other than Carrasco? My wife's parents live about 35 km north of Montevideo on Ruta 5.

i took the list from an argentine tennis forum


Hall of Fame
haha, gonzalo... any courts missing from that list??? ;)

I highly recomend this one:
Asociación Deportes Racionales - Olleros 1515 1426 Cap. Fed. 4772-1296 4777-6069 (copy/pasted from gc post). Played several times there. Its not cheap, but the courts are very good and the locartion is very nice.


Polideportivo Colegiales:
Beautiful hardcourts, for free (or a 2 dollar bone to help the place), in Cap. Freire y Conde :D


Hall of Fame
gonzalocatalino said:
-Salguero Tenis - Salguero 3350 - 482-2930
-Teacher's Tenis - F. Alcorta 7101 - 4788-6135
-De la Peña Tenis - F. Alcorta 5575 - 4576-0700 / 0702
question: is this the Av. Alcorta Gustavo Cerati refers to in his song named "Av. Alcorta"? .... do you know?... just curious. I love the song, but I never got the whole story behind it.


RiosTheGenius said:
question: is this the Av. Alcorta Gustavo Cerati refers to in his song named "Av. Alcorta"? .... do you know?... just curious. I love the song, but I never got the whole story behind it.
Very likely!
Figeroa Alcorta is the main avenue in, probably, the most EXPENSIVE neighborhood in the city of Buenos Aires, where all the rich and wealthy people often lives, including Cerati ;)


RiosTheGenius said:
hmm... interesting, i thought the entire Amor amarillo album was one of the most solid albums in latin rock history.
It is, I'm just not a fan of that particular song ;)