Tennis is certainly on the lower end of the sports spectrum at Clemson. I post about it regularly on a Clemson sports forum and I get at most 1-2 replies. The crowds are pretty small at matches usually, made up of the same people. The facility upgrades were put off for many years (originally meant to be completed by 2014) and were literally the last thing that Clemson athletics upgraded after all the football money. (Baseball, golf, soccer, track, basketball, several football upgrades all were done first). A few years ago at the tennis matches they gave away Clemson tennis shirts that said "building for the future", as if conceding that the teams will not be that good but don't worry a new facility is coming. I feel like the coaches somewhat mailed it in during the final years of the old facility, happy yo use it as a barrier to success (even though it wasn't that bad of a facility).
Now that the new facility is in place, there should be no more excuses. The women's team has been more successful than the men's for many years but even the women's team is doing poorly this year. Recruiting for the women's team did take a hit when assistant Scott Kidd left to take the head coaching job at Troy ( and has since taken a tennis job in the Cayman Islands). He had connections (Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe pipelines )and was able to bring in some talented players. I notice that the women's team seems to be more focused on American players now, but are taking a hit in overall talent. Nancy Harris is a good technical coach but does need to up the talent in the next couple of years.