Rules are set, and they will not always be perfect.
NIL is in conflict with the rules of obtaining a visa to attend college, thus it becomes murky. But the USA govt is pretty clear on rules regarding coming here to earn money with certain visas.
Title 9 discriminates against men playing sports other than football. And I don’t think it’s intent was to hurt American men to help foreign women.
Rules change about trans athletes and if they should be able to win biological women’s events.
And yes, we look at tax dollars paid when determining the tuition amount for in state or out of state tuition.
So there will always be some who are hurt, a system that isn’t 100 percent fair for all, and life moves on. Even junior team tennis has neighborhood residency requirements with quotas.
My views might be more extreme than what society would find as acceptable. But on the other hand, having 60-70 percent of a collegiate sport being populated by foreigners is also extreme.
In my opinion, in all college sports Americans should be given priority. We go to school here, live here, pay the taxes, fund the junior programs in all sports, and pay other taxes that fund the ability for that university to even exist. What is the highest honor? To become an “all
I feel for American athletes state residency should not matter.
Zero sports scholarship for foreigners.
And if you want to come here for an education, go for it. After all, that’s the main point to colleges even existing.
If we have to draw the line somewhere, I would say college sports are for Americans, and an athletes needs at least one American parent with at least a green card.
Perhaps one day foreign nations can step up and follow our collegiate model to educate and develop their athletes. And we could have international collegiate competitions. If Europeans think mixing education and athletics together is dumb, well that’s their culture and don’t send the athletes here to do it.
Dumping them here to be trained and educated only benefits those specific foreign players and families, and maybe the American coach hoping to get ringers for quick w’s.
Something better would arise. I don’t have every answer. But people use Amazon after the internet came into existence. Amazon wasn’t planned and developed before the internet. Nor would that even be possible.
Squishing top athletes around the world into existing finite positions, for only select sports, in America isn’t the answer.
You would probably see foreign tennis decline, and American tennis flourish. What is the foreign kids incentive at 15 years old? Wont be good enough to go pro. Might as well do something else. Can’t play in the USA.
The American kids will have a realistic shot at d1 positions and scholarships and will work twice as hard to beat out other Americans.