I plan on coming back to the game from Tennis Elbow. I will be going with a full bed of natural gut in one racquet and a full bed of multifilament in the other racquet. Not very familiar as i have been hitting full poly or poly hybrids. Also switching to this racquets as I never had arm problems with these even with full poly but I have to walk again before running. Stay safe out there and keep swinging.
1. What tension would you recommend in a Prince Textreme Tour 100 (47-58lb suggested range) multifilament
2. Prince Textreme Tour 100p (natural gut) (45-55lb suggested range)
3. Is multifilament that much easier on the arm than synthetic gut? My understanding it is natural gut --> multifilament --> synthetic gut --> poly in terms of comfort
1. What tension would you recommend in a Prince Textreme Tour 100 (47-58lb suggested range) multifilament
2. Prince Textreme Tour 100p (natural gut) (45-55lb suggested range)
3. Is multifilament that much easier on the arm than synthetic gut? My understanding it is natural gut --> multifilament --> synthetic gut --> poly in terms of comfort
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