Continental One Hand Backhand Help

Could somebody explain the take back motion of your right arm when doing a continental one hand backhand?

Does the wrist bend? High to low swing or low to high swing?
Thanks for your help


Hall of Fame
no.. a continental 1hbh is not weird :)
I have only used this grip for years and can generate topspin/slice reliably.
1) my wrist is locked. never moves or flexes.. i do not suppinate at the end of follow through either (like Fed does)
2) angle between my racquet handle and forearm is 90 degrees throughout the motion
3) on my take back, the racquet head frame (9 OClock positon) is about 4-6 inches from left shoulder. If I take it back 4-6 inches more, the frame will touch my left shoulder
4) finish off high after contact and the racquet head reaches my face level for topspin. For slice, the racquet head finishes off around shoulder height.
5) For low balls I typically slice, since I am too lazy (and bad knees too) to bend knees for a topspin. I should be bending for slice too, but I can get away with being lazy on a slice.
6) For medium height balls, I use either topspin or slice
7) I normally slice high balls (sometimes rip it flat). I find it difficult to keep the ball down with topspin on high balls.
8 ) Contact point is 9-15 inches in front of my right foot.
9) I always use completely closed stance, unless it is a pressure on the run shot.. or a service return for a fast serve
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For semi-western/eastern backhands , the wrist is cocked back through to contact. This squares the face of the racquet and prevents it from being too closed.

For the continental the opposite happens. The wrist goes inwards and is stable in this position througout the stroke. This squares the racquet face and prevents it from being too open: launching balls into the back fence.

Case in point:
