Cosmos season 2 in limbo ???


The season is finished but MR Tyson ( whom I have read 3 of his books and listened to him talk science on ytube is not the man we thought he was)
Turns out this giant creepy slob is accused of assaulting several women and abusing his power and is a sexual deviant and low life .

This is why you should never idolize a man because you don’t know what “ skeletons they have in their closet “

I was a big fan of him and cosmos 1


I have read all of his books from cover to cover. I will be disappointed as well. Bill Cosby was my favorite comedian as a kid and my parents bought me all of his stand-up shows on vinyl records. I threw them all away recently.

I heard a rumbling months ago about Tyson doing some nasty things but haven't read anything since. Has new stuff popped up?


Bionic Poster
The season is finished but MR Tyson ( whom I have read 3 of his books and listened to him talk science on ytube is not the man we thought he was)
Turns out this giant creepy slob is accused of assaulting several women and abusing his power and is a sexual deviant and low life .

This is why you should never idolize a man because you don’t know what “ skeletons they have in their closet “

I was a big fan of him and cosmos 1
Won’t you face a dilemma on 11/3/20!!!


Bionic Poster
I have read all of his books from cover to cover. I will be disappointed as well. Bill Cosby was my favorite comedian as a kid and my parents bought me all of his stand-up shows on vinyl records. I threw them all away recently.

I heard a rumbling months ago about Tyson doing some nasty things but haven't read anything since. Has new stuff popped up?

Never respect people, only facts. Here is Einstein's life:


She began a relationship with her cousin Albert Einstein in April 1912, while Albert was still married to his first wife, the physicist Mileva Marić. Einstein separated from Mileva in 1914 and their divorce was final on 14 February 1919. Elsamarried him three and a half months later, on 2 June 1919.


Bionic Poster
The guy is a slime ball unless you think dozens of women just made it up ???
As I said, selective shade throwing...unless of course you’re endorsing misogyny as qualification for becoming POTUS. Then it should be OK for Tyson to emulate the highest elected official of the country.


As I said, selective shade throwing...unless of course you’re endorsing misogyny as qualification for becoming POTUS. Then it should be OK for Tyson to emulate the highest elected official of the country.

And what about Bill banging hundreds of women during office or odemon with his male lover and shame marriage


Can you even follow a conversation without your massive jealousy of orange over taking your entire mind
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Bionic Poster
Can you even follow a conversation without your massive jealousy of orange over taking your entire mind
No, green is the hue of jealousy; orange is saved for prison inmates. Thankfully for Don’s sake, horizontal stripes are no longer in vogue behind bars so he might appear slimmer in the slammer.


No, green is the hue of jealousy; orange is saved for prison inmates. Thankfully for Don’s sake, horizontal stripes are no longer in vogue behind bars so he might appear slimmer in the slammer.

And what charge would that be you giant ignoramous of zero intellect !!!
Odemon should have been impeached for the Iran deal, NSA Spying , IRS scandals and lying to Libya . You hate him because you’re a jealous and bitter old man
And now you’re back on iggy , forever
I am 100 percent done with you


It’s you tom tom that is full of hate , anger and who is self - hating as well .
Your outer fake costume is the fun loving hippie dude but underneath it ( the real Tom ) is a man of exteme jealousy and racist hate


I joke about myself and put myself down all the time here for a laugh but I bet in your tiny little circle of hippie friends it’s all white bums .
I work with and train with everybody and I interact with every race

You don’t !!!
We’re finished because you’re a sick damaged man who brings me down and “hell Is not a place I need to be “
Don’t bother me again