No offense, you're a nice guy, and I don't mean this in a terrible way, but you don't really have any style or individual game. It looks like you try to hit the ball as hard as you can and have that overshadow any mechanics you can improve on. For example, your racquet face seems to be facing the same way the whole time you're playing. No matter if it's a high ball or low ball it seems like you just want to hit an extreme western grip and drive the ball. I can't imagine how that would pan out if you're stretched out wide or made to run. Also, it doesn't look like you're going to get better, more like whatever level you're at is the peak of your playing performance. I would try to not worry about the power game so much and teach yourself some mechanics and fundamentals and hit a little looser, more natural. You seem very tight and high strung and compensating it with trying to hit everything big, trying to drive everything too much as opposed to working on some variety. That's why a lot of those shots are going into the net.
If you're hitting a different shot, feel free to change your grip before the ball comes and experiment with different things and experiment with how you stroke the ball and the different types of spins that are available to you.