My understanding of serve mechanics is that the explosive extension of the knees (which is what is involved in jumping vertically) gets channeled into uncoiling the torso in the case of the serve. So you can really explode with your legs, but use all that power to uncoil your body forwards into the court.
Maybe this exercise can help:
Stand a few feet away from a wall. Pretend the wall is north. Face North East.
Now imagine that you want to headbutt the wall (obviously in all these progressions, don't actually headbutt the wall: stand far enough away that this doesn't happen).
Start off by just rotating your neck towards the wall. Keep legs straight (knees fully extended).
Now use your torso to coil into the wall. Again keep your legs straight.
Now bend your knees, and explode with your legs but in such a way that it helps power your torso uncoil into the wall. Your feet shouldn't leave the ground.
This is what should happen with the serve.
Note: if you were to keep your neck really loose during the second and third progression, you would be able to feel it "whip" at the end of the motion. I don't advise this here, as you could really damage your neck. But keeping a loose arm allows the arm and racquet to feel like the end of a whip. ( see my recent thread here: )
I feel it really helps when hitting arm is loose, not sure about the neck. My left side of neck a little bit tight and I can feel it when checking blind spot at driving. I suspect the tight serve is from the serve.
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