You have a very good forehand. As others have said, it looks more like the Vic Braden tech of the 70s than the modern tech.
Try a semi-open stance.
Try relaxing you grip - nice and loose arm, wrist and hand. Wrist is passive - no active movement - during contact including just before and after contact. But, wrist is not locked in modern forehand like Connors and Evertt locked theirs. In reality, there is probably a little wrist movement in modern forehand but better to just relax and think passive wrist.
Try a few windshield wiper follow-thrus. Lower finish over or near shoulder, racket head tip almost pointing behind you, elbow finishing up and pointing toward opponent. Forearm pronates into WW follow-thru after full extension is reached and racket wraps around.
The modern rally ball racket head path is not as steep and the racket face is actually a bit closed at contact.
Go here and watch the modern forehand; not a real steep upward angle and still loads of topspin from these guys.
And, here to see the impact of closed racket face; much more top is contact below center with slightly closed racket face.
If the rest of your game is on par with your forehand, I think you can easily be competitive at ntrp 4.0 level. I have played 4.0 players that didn't have your technique.