Critique Serve (video)

Not think, your toss DEFINITELY needs to be higher. You'll be able to hit the ball harder and you'll hit the corners more easily. Great improvement though!


Hall of Fame
The side view looks nice - good depth into the court. A slice serve can be very effective and safe. Per comments above, you are hitting the ball short - I can tell from freezing the serve at contact that you are shortening yourself significantly and not getting good contact. This makes serving the ball in harder because you have less angle, and also robs you of power because you are not able to fully accelerate at contact.

On a similar note, you are still opening your shoulders too early prior to contact so that you are not getting the best acceleration. Try delaying the shoulder rotation for as long as possible. The feeling is that you are swinging way toward the right (since you are a righty) and away from the ball, and at the last second, the shoulder rotation and wrist pronation bring the racquet head back to the ball. This way, the shoulder rotation, arm extension, and pronation all occur naturally at contact for maximum accelaration.


How high should toss be

Thanks guys for the comments. I can tell that I am not getting my shoulders turned back far enough.

I always have a problem with getting the toss high enough. I am 6'0". How high should the toss be ideally??
